Maybank Championship

Friday, October 25, 2024

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Kuala Lumpur Golf and Country Club

Mirabel Ting

Quick Quotes

Q. Mirabel, not quite the start you wanted but still a strong finish with two birdies in the last holes. Your thoughts?

MIRABEL TING: Conditions were a little bit -- much more tougher today. Putts didn't drop. Only dropped for the last two which is the 15 and the 17th. I was really, really frustrated on the golf course today.

Made couple three putts coming in and couldn't make any birdies. Just frustrated the way I played today.

There are lot of positive going on today in the round as well. Just have to see what's going to happen again tomorrow.

Q. (Regarding support out there.) How does that feel in front of your fans?

MIRABEL TING: Being able to play in this crowd means a lot, especially like I'm home and this is home to me.

It's a lot different playing outside, and to get a lot of support here...

When I hit that shot, the second shot and hit the thing right there, I felt embarrassed for hit ting that shot, but they still clap and like do all the stuff, and I just feel really like happy. I know that mistake happen and I don't have to be embarrassed by it.

Q. You are still the best for today and yesterday. How do you see that?

MIRABEL TING: I mean, conditions are tough. I don't really want to look at scores. It doesn't matter who finish first, second, third, or fourth. We still want to get out there and enjoy the game and have fun especially.

I think that's what I want to do this week. I won't be looking at who finished first in Malaysia. We just want to do our best and enjoy our game and do what we can on the golf course and get the job done.

Q. Seeing how you had that birdie on 15 after 14, can you probably talk to us about that a bit?

MIRABEL TING: I was telling my caddie, if this putt doesn't go in I don't know what to do. I was really, really frustrated, and when that putt dropped I told myself, that's the first birdie of the day.

You know, I was having a lot of thoughts. I had a lot of lip-outs. At the end of the day this is golf. Like it happens. Bad days happen.

I was really happy going birdie on 15 and had another one on 17. That's about it.

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