Maybank Championship

Friday, October 25, 2024

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Kuala Lumpur Golf and Country Club

Wei-Ling Hsu

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, here with Wei-Ling after the second round at the Maybank Championship. Another solid round today; finished tied for second. What are your thoughts on today's round?

WEI-LING HSU: Actually yesterday, I mean last night when I see the pin position I saw there is a couple hole that I feel like is quite tough like compared to first round, so I kind of told myself just be more patient.

Because I found out myself that yesterday the round -- I think there is a couple pin position are easier than today because always have like back protection.

Today are more like right on the top or all the way up, all the way back. So try to just tell myself be patient. I think that's most important thing that I can kept my score pretty good today I think.

Q. Is that something you've always done, always prepared like that, looking at the hole locations the night before, studying them to prep yourself?

WEI-LING HSU: Usually I don't do that but I started in the middle of the season. Just get ready. Just had kind of idea in my mind where is the pin and get ready.

I think that really helps me out. Once I get to the hole I don't feel like oh, my God, that pin was so hard or that pin is quite easy.

So just try to keep study in my mind, so, yeah.

Q. Heading into the weekend tied for second, I'm not sure, have you been in this position before? What are you looking forward to most about being near the top?

WEI-LING HSU: Yeah, I definitely been to this kind of situation before so I have experience before and I think can hand this pretty well. I think.

Like I said the beginning the week I just wanted to play my best on every single shot, not think about the target and the goal.

And so I know maybe I'll be leader group tomorrow again, but I try to keep that kind of thought putting away.

So just trying to focus every single shot tomorrow.

Q. Last question: Your dad is here. This is the first time he's watched you?

WEI-LING HSU: This year.

Q. Oh, this year.

WEI-LING HSU: He always be my biggest support but this is the first time for this year for him to come out and watch me play.

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