Q. Good playing out there, any highlights you want to share with us?
MARK HUBBARD: Yeah, I mean, I played solid all the way around. I definitely made a lot of really crucial, like, five to eight-foot par putts that just kept the momentum going and I drove it really well which is important for me because I'm not the longest guy out here. Major and the bigger events, I've definitely got to hit it until the fairway because short and crooked isn't good.
Q. What's your thought process once you get rolling like that?
MARK HUBBARD: Yeah, I've been working really hard on my game. So just trying to do the things that I'm working on and not getting too focused on the tournament itself or anything. At the end of the day, I really, really like this golf course a lot. So I think, as opposed to some other majors I've played in and other events, I feel more excited to play today whereas sometimes you get a little nerves or doubt or whatever and today I was just really excited to play golf because I really like this course.
Q. Anything in particular you like the most about it?
MARK HUBBARD: I think it's really fair. Obviously length is a factor but that's true on every course. If you have a really good short game, you can make it up around the greens. If you're a good putter, you can make it up on the greens. My approach play is my strength so I can use that to my advantage. I think it's just a really fair test, if you're in position, it's really scorable and if you're out of position, it's very penal, and that's how a good course is supposed to be.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports