Travelers Championship

Friday, June 24, 2022

Cromwell, Connecticut, USA

TPC River Highlands

Kevin Kisner

Quick Quotes

Q. Nice shooting today. Talk about how the golf course is changed up, if it has at all. Obviously when you went out yesterday it was soft; things seemed to be firming up a little bit.

KEVIN KISNER: Yeah, they do. Got that ball to chase back to that back pin on 18 downwind. Obviously I think it can get kind of spicy on the weekend. That's what this place is. It gets firmer as the week goes, and when the wind picks up it makes it difficult to get close.

So if we can get any wind, I think you'll start seeing the scores slow down.

Q. Jim Furyk shoots 58 here back in 2016. We see guys go low all the time. Do you think there is an under appreciation? I mean, you saw it firsthand today that there are places you can make big numbers on this golf course that maybe people outside the ropes don't appreciate that.

KEVIN KISNER: I say it all the time, the back nine is the most risk-reward golf that we have, because you can shoot anywhere from 28 to 39 and really not be that far off.

You hit a couple bad shots and there are hazards and outs of bounds there pretty much the whole back nine, so it's an awesome golf course and awesome atmosphere.

Q. You got it going sort of around the turn, and through the first couple holes of your back nine. Obviously Rory is having his troubles. How do you compartmentalize and keep to the task at hand while the pace of play slows down a little bit? You don't want to necessarily be watching too many of those kind of shots. How do you stay in your own head?

KEVIN KISNER: I don't have the firepower he has, so some of those shots are incapable of my talent anyway. Yeah, we all said walking off 17, how long have we were been out here?

I'm exhausted. It was a long round. You wait that whole back nine, and just thankful on weekend we'll play twos and move along a lot faster.

Q. There are still a lot of birdies that can happen. 36 holes. Chasing five shots at this point.


Q. How do you discipline yourself to stay aggressive, get out there and get after it, but at the same time, there is a lot of golf and you maybe want to be patient.

KEVIN KISNER: I am a really good putter, and good putters need to hit greens, so that's all I try to shoot for. If get the putter rolling and get going I can shoot as low as anyone out here.

Five shots is not insurmountable, but I'm going to need him to slow down a little bit.

Q. How does a pro put aside the kind of day Rory had today? How do you kind of flush that out and make a new start?

KEVIN KISNER: I think it's pretty impressive he shot even par with a clod and a double, so he's playing awesome golf. Just one bad swing really and off you go.

So it's so hard mentally to slow it all down and get back into the routine. I'm sure a good night's sleep will help that.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
122098-1-1041 2022-06-24 22:30:00 GMT

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