Travelers Championship

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Cromwell, Connecticut, USA

TPC River Highlands

Kurt Kitayama

Quick Quotes

Q. Great start today. What are your thoughts on the round out there?

KURT KITAYAMA: Yeah, it was nice to make some putts. I felt like finally I had a good putting round and didn't hit it -- struggled off the tee today, but overall I'm pretty happy with where I'm at right now. I feel like I've been hitting it well and not putting well, so to get the putter going was really nice.

Q. Does that help your confidence when you don't hit the ball as well as you normally do and you still put up a score like you did?

KURT KITAYAMA: Yeah, definitely, it's nice to be able to scramble and get the ball in the hole even when you're not hitting it well. So to do that today was really nice.

Q. Some changes made to the course this year, did anything stick out or anything feel a bit more difficult?

KURT KITAYAMA: Not too much. I only played it once before this, so -- I missed the cut -- so the changes didn't really -- I didn't notice too much.

Q. What are your thoughts going into the next couple days? Anything you're going to try to clean up off the tee or with the driver?

KURT KITAYAMA: Yeah, just try and figure it out -- I think on the back nine I started hitting it a lot better, so maybe just like a short range session to try and get that feel going again and then get some rest.

Q. Two straight missed cuts coming into the week, are you putting any pressure on yourself with the season sort of winding down?

KURT KITAYAMA: I'm trying not to. I know I need to make a move on the FedExCup, and so -- but I kind of know what's been struggling, and just hasn't been, I haven't been able to figure it out. So, trying not to put too much pressure, so it's really nice to have a round like this and just kind of keep it going.

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145497-1-1044 2024-06-20 17:47:00 GMT

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