Travelers Championship

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Cromwell, Connecticut, USA

TPC River Highlands

Tom Kim

Quick Quotes

Q. I remember talking to you at Memorial, you felt like it was coming together. What came together today?

TOM KIM: Just all the same things. I hit fairways, I hit greens and made some putts. Nothing really severely different. Obviously, scoring-wise, just it's getting sharper and sharper and I feel like I've been playing like this kind of the last few months, but to kind of keep it sharp and to keep maintaining, I feel like that's why I'm on my eighth week, to kind of just keep it going. It is just kinds of nice to see those rounds come together and the next three days kind of keep that same game plan whether good score or not score. Just kind of keep it together and keep that sharpening.

Q. This is obviously a tight portion of the season, a lot of Signature Events, majors. You said eight in a row, was that a cognizant thing by you, like, hey, I want to play a bunch in a row?

TOM KIM: Yeah, that was a big deal, like, for me, I felt like my game was there, but wasn't really showing in tournaments. I kind of sat down and I'm like, you know what, it's almost the last stretch of the season, and I want to really -- I feel like I'm playing good, I just can't, for some reason I can't show it off in golf tournaments. I think that's the reason why I'm playing a lot more than I normally ever would is because if you keep getting reps in in tournaments you kind of keep sharpening, sharpening, sharpening and that's what's happening. So it's, I'm glad to kind of see it actually come out though.

Q. (No Microphone.)

TOM KIM: I do AimPoint when I putt, so just to kind of make sure -- some times with undulation it kind of changes the direction that you're going. So just that's the only purpose.

Q. (No Microphone.)

TOM KIM: I don't think anything changes. Obviously major week last week and this week it's just, I think it's the same game plan. You try to hit, you try to execute the good golf shots. I'm learning, good rounds and bad rounds, I just, I keep making sure I keep learning from those and keep adding them to practices and to tournament rounds. It wasn't really that easy there, easy out there today, it was actually pretty windy. But I just, I feel like nothing really changes and I kind of really had a really good game plan and just tried to execute.

Q. (No Microphone.)

TOM KIM: That my game was really, really close. Like, obviously a tough day on Sunday, but without, if I, I've had a few like two of those bad rounds and, like at Memorial, I had the same number, but wasn't like I was playing terrible it was just a few things kind of didn't go my way and I couldn't really adapt to it and really couldn't score well. I think the thing was that, okay, it wasn't a bad week, but a bad round cost me the week. But at least like it's only 26th, 25th, it's not like I'm finishing 50th or missing the cut. It shows me that my bad weeks are only here (Indicating) and that gives me confidence to go out and that actually I am playing well and just trying to keep riding this momentum.

Q. (No Microphone.)

TOM KIM: I just, I hit the ball in the fairway a lot. Obviously this course if you start hitting the ball in the fairway you can kind of go at some pins and have some good opportunities. I wouldn't say -- like, obviously I putted well. When you shoot 62s or 64s, you got to putt well, and I took care of that opportunity. My targets overall, like I picked really good targets out there with my approach shots. When you have 8-irons in, sometimes you want to go for the pin a lot, but at the same time you just kind of go into this head space where, okay, I have, this is where I need to pick my target, I don't feel like I need to push or anything and just sticking to that game plan.

Q. You made eight birdies, what was your best one?

TOM KIM: That's a good question. I think my birdie on 8 was really, was a really, it's a tough par-3, you can really feel that wind and I picked a really good target and I executed it perfectly to leave myself a perfect 12-footer uphill.

Q. This is kind of a nice early birthday present for you, right. What are you doing to celebrate your 22nd birthday?

TOM KIM: We had some pizza early on in the week. I had a lot of pizza. So I kind of told myself, no matter what, I wouldn't do that in a tournament, but it's my birthday and it's kind of a tradition, you know, me, Scottie, we have the same birthday, so I we had an early birthday celebration.

Q. (No Microphone.)

TOM KIM: Yeah.

Q. Where did you go?

TOM KIM: Sally's.

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145506-1-1044 2024-06-20 20:41:00 GMT

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