Travelers Championship

Friday, June 21, 2024

Cromwell, Connecticut, USA

TPC River Highlands

Adam Svensson

Quick Quotes

Q. You shot a 64. That tied your course record here that you shot here in 2022. How would you characterize your round?

ADAM SVENSSON: It was good. I hit my irons well, drove it well off the tee and made a couple long-ish putts, 25-footers. And had a couple nice par saves and that was kind of it.

Q. Came into the round today 1-over. What's it like to now be in red figures?

ADAM SVENSSON: It's good. Yeah, yesterday wasn't that great. Kind of found something a little bit on the range this morning and kind of stuck with me.

Q. One of the only mishaps today, you had that 3-putt on 15. What just happened there, what was going through your mind?

ADAM SVENSSON: It was a tough putt. I mean, it was down and up, and you can putt that off the green, so I tried to leave it a little short and then just misread that second one.

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145520-1-1044 2024-06-21 15:58:00 GMT

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