Travelers Championship

Friday, June 21, 2024

Cromwell, Connecticut, USA

TPC River Highlands

Tom Kim

Quick Quotes

Q. They say it's difficult to follow-up a really low one. You obviously started out strong. How was it to just get off to another nice start?

TOM KIM: Yeah, I've definitely, going into today, just not really thinking about the score. I'm playing really well and I know kind of what I'm doing on the golf course, so just really executing my game plan, that's just kind of how I'm doing it, and the score is the score. I've been playing really, really solid, and I've been saying the past few minutes that it's not about this week, it's about keep building these momentum blocks for the rest of the season.

Q. You were on the range yesterday after that low one, I don't know, half an hour or something, was it just trying to kind of keep everything dialed in or refine something?

TOM KIM: Yeah, just kind of keeping everything sharp. I kind of know what I need to do, like what my tendencies are, so just to kind of make sure after the round I'm doing the right things to keep myself sharp. It's my eighth week, so swing-wise, just physically, things can get, things could get off pretty quickly, so just trying to be in just a sharp form and just doing the right things to kind of keep the momentum going.

Q. Is that a routine after any round whether you shoot 8-under or 8-over to go back?

TOM KIM: No. To be honest, like, I'm a guy where I feel like if I'm kind of in a good spot I'll take my rest, go back. But because it's my eighth week, I just need to make sure everything's sharp and everything's ready to go, and kind of that range work just kind of helps keep my mind and keep my body in the right spot.

Q. If I know correctly, you switched back to an old coach, did you not?

TOM KIM: Yeah.

Q. What was that kind of move, why did that feel important to go back to a familiar voice?

TOM KIM: So my swing coach now is a good buddy of mine. And it was a few years back, and it was really before I got out on TOUR, and just familiarity, I think. It's kind of nice to also have a guy with the same beliefs as me, have the same faith, and also at the same time just, we both kind of know each other really well, exactly what we need to do to kind of play well, and those things kind of help. I think it's just, it was nice to be able to go back into something where it's not completely new, I was doing all the same things.

Q. You hit, I think, all but one fairway, all but one green. Do you feel about as in control with your golf ball as you have during this eight-week stretch?

TOM KIM: I would say so. I think the big difference is it's just sharper and I'm more aware now. I think the work I've been doing has just kind of, like, you know, the past few months it's just been kind of like making sure I can, that I feel confident out in the competition, not practice rounds, right. So I think this stretch is making me more sharper and more ready and I think it's kind of time to show.

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