Travelers Championship

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Cromwell, Connecticut, USA

TPC River Highlands

Scottie Scheffler

Quick Quotes

Q. Some ball striking there from you at the end. Both you and Akshay kind of doing a call and response, felt like you guys were feeding off each other at the end.

SCOTTIE SCHEFFLER: Yeah, yeah. Sometimes when you're in pairs you can feed off each other the wrong or the right way. Today, especially at the end, we were feeding off each other what I would say in the right way. It's always a good thing.

Q. How is your energy just at this point, a couple rain delays the last two nights, coming off playing two long weeks, I'm sure feeling it a bit?

SCOTTIE SCHEFFLER: Maybe a little bit, but it's nice to be in contention, for sure. I think I would be feeling it a lot more if I was playing a bit worse this week. So it's good to be in the heat of it. I was pretty frustrated after that bogey on 14, felt like I was putting myself out of the tournament, so it was nice to bounce back and finish it the way I did.

Q. Stacked leaderboard with guys who have won a lot of big events and it's giving up a lot of low scores. How challenging is it going to be for somebody to try and nudge themselves out and get a little separation or clear themselves?

SCOTTIE SCHEFFLER: Yeah, it really depends on the weather. I think I saw that the wind were goings to be up a little bit and depends if we get more rain overnight. So there will be a bit, a few different factors going into it, but I'll wake up tomorrow, see how the course is playing and go from there.

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