Travelers Championship

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Cromwell, Connecticut, USA

TPC River Highlands

Michael Thorbjornsen

Quick Quotes

Q. First TOUR start down as a pro, done. Just, kind of how were your expectations and do you feel like you kind of met what you wanted?

MICHAEL THORBJORNSEN: I'm not really sure what I finished, but I played some good golf this week. Definitely had some bigger mistakes out there. I think I lost four-balls in the last two days. I just need to fix a couple things here and there and better finishes will come. But overall feeling good, game feels good. Again, I don't really have too much expectations. I know when I play some good golf I can compete, so just kind of waiting for it to all come together.

Q. Any fun interactions with pros that have kind of stuck out? You played with Rickie today, and I'm sure a lot of guys have come up to you and say said, Hey.

MICHAEL THORBJORNSEN: Yeah, every guy out here is a pleasure to play with. I played with Brian Harmon yesterday, it was good, chatted with him up the back nine a couple holes. I was actually pretty pleased that we were in threesomes today so I got to play with a couple more guys.

But, yeah playing with Rickie was really cool. I grew up watching him as a kid, and just being able to talk to him, hear a couple of those Rickie roars out there was pretty cool. So, yeah, it's very enjoyable week playing with these guys.

Q. How are you game planning, I'm sure you're going to try to play a lot these next few weeks, gearing up for a busy stretch, I'm sure.

MICHAEL THORBJORNSEN: Yeah, we got the next two weeks, Detroit for the Rocket Mortgage, and John Deere and then I think we got a little bit of down time, kind of just re-evaluate. Then I think we have, what is it, 3M Open, Wyndham, so, yeah, we got some more events this summer, looking forward to those. This is just the start, so, yeah, we'll continue to build off of this week.

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145601-1-1044 2024-06-23 18:17:00 GMT

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