John Deere Classic

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Silvis, Illinois, USA

TPC Deere Run

Harry Hall

Quick Quotes

THE MODERATOR: Bogey-free. How would assess your opening round?

HARRY HALL: Really good. Yeah, hit the ball really nice. Putted it nice. Happy with the 63.

Q. You said you were going aggressive. What was the key and mindset when you know scores would be low?

HARRY HALL: Yeah, just highlighted before the round what pins I could go for and which ones I couldn't go for. That kind of cleared it up for me. I was able to get out there today and hit it where I was looking, and you're not going to play too bad if you do that.

Q. Congratulations to you and your wife. You're expecting any day now?

HARRY HALL: Any day, yeah. Two weeks tomorrow, Friday, Barracuda. Yeah, could be any second.

Q. What's game plan of when you're playing tournament week that you and your wife have committed to?

HARRY HALL: Yeah, I did say if I was near the lead on a Thursday, Friday, I would go home, but maybe not on a Saturday night. Would I go home tonight? That's a good question. Don't know.

Q. This week is the first time you've seen this course. What's your thoughts? And obviously played right into your hands here.

HARRY HALL: Yeah, beautiful course. Front nine is a tough walk. Back nine is a little flatter and a bit harder I would say actually.

Yeah, I think the golf course is really nice. I think it would be a great test if it was firmer out there. Lucky for us it's soft so plays a little bit easier.

Greens are fantastic.

Q. It's been up and down this year. Where do you feel the state of your game is right now?

HARRY HALL: I wouldn't say it's up and down. I think I played very consistently. Just always around the cut line. I would say I've played a couple bad tournaments out of 17, but most of the time I'm under par or near the cut or just on the right side of it and haven't been able to accelerate off it.

So to put in a good one today was really nice. Hopefully that sets me up for a good week.

Q. Does something like today change your mentality going into tomorrow?

HARRY HALL: No. Tomorrow is going to be a little more windy so I think be a little bit tougher I would say. Greens probably aren't going to firm out too much.

So, yeah, just solid day on the golf course tomorrow and be right in contention for the weekend.

Q. Harry, obviously went to school in the U.S., playing professionally in the U.S. for a while. From England of course, though. 4th of July today. Is that a holiday that you enjoy celebrating or still not something that really -- you pay attention to?

HARRY HALL: To be honest, I stopped doing history when I was like 12, so I don't really know anything about the 4th of July really. I know that I think it's something to do with breaking up from the Brits.

I'm not too sure. My playing partners jokingly said something in the scoring tent just saying happy 4th of July. I think they were rubbing it in a little bit because I had such a good day on the golf course.

Yeah, I don't think about it too much.

Q. Think about the fireworks? Going to do anything fun after, or not really?

HARRY HALL: Not really. I'm here to get the job done.

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145954-1-1041 2024-07-04 18:22:00 GMT

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