John Deere Classic

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Silvis, Illinois, USA

TPC Deere Run

Hayden Springer

Quick Quotes

Q. Mr. 59, Hayden Springer. Thoughts on today? You eagle 17 from out of nowhere. Tough chip shot short of the green. Then you come to 18, make birdie. Your feelings right now?

HAYDEN SPRINGER: I don't even really have words. Like I'm still shaking a little bit.

Yeah, I mean, it's like something you dream of, right? We all want to go out and shoot 59. You don't ever really -- I don't know how many chances I'll ever get at doing that again.

To pull it off and hole that shot on 17 and give myself a putt at it and make the putt on 18 was pretty special.

Q. You had to start thinking about this early. You shot 27 on the front. I mean, you're 8-under making the turn.

HAYDEN SPRINGER: Yeah, it was in my mind making the turn for sure. It's almost like you feel like you have to at that point because you're starting ahead making the turn to be able to do that.

So I was definitely thinking about it, and then made some pars and kind of pulled it off at the end.

Q. You made three pars on the back nine, 12, 14, 16. Those were not gimmes. You had to make some six-, seven-footers to keep it blemish free.

HAYDEN SPRINGER: Yeah, those kept the momentum. Yeah, I putted well all day. I liked pretty much every putt I hit and a lot of them went in.

Was able to save a few, too.

Q. You don't take any practice strokes on your putt. You save a lot energy.

HAYDEN SPRINGER: Yeah, no practice strokes. I've been doing that for a while. It's not necessary.

Q. You had some struggles this year. You missed bunch of cuts; played well last week. What suddenly turned this thing around?

HAYDEN SPRINGER: It's been a rough a little bit, but I went back to an old coach of mine that I grew up going to and she straightened me out a little bit and helped me get back to some feels that worked in the past.

You know, so that's made a little bit of a difference.

Q. What are you going to do the rest of the day?

HAYDEN SPRINGER: I don't know. Might practice a little bit, but enjoy this. I don't play until late, so go have a good dinner and get ready for tomorrow.

Q. You will long remember the 4th of July in 2024. Congratulations on a 59.


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