John Deere Classic

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Silvis, Illinois, USA

TPC Deere Run

JT Poston

Quick Quotes

Q. JT, playing a lot of golf this summer. Week off last week; back on track; eight birdies, three bogeys. Your thoughts.

JT POSTON: Yeah, just off week I wanted to get a little bit of rest. Didn't feel like I was fresh, which was definitely the case today. Felt a little sharper.

Ball striking was a lot better in the last three weeks. Hopefully something to build on and keep making a bunch of birdies.

Q. Yeah, any big plans in the Quad Cities this afternoon?

JT POSTON: No. Got a big house that a bunch of us are staying in. Probably play some cards and have some dinner and just relax.

Q. (No microphone.)

JT POSTON: Yeah, didn't hit too many fairways to start, which you got to hit some fairways around here. Made a bunch of birdies which was nice, but missed the fairway and got in a bad spot on 13, bad lie, and made bogey.

Same thing on 15 and 9.

Just really hit two pretty good shots and ended up in a bad spot. Overall I can't be too upset about it.

Q. Not a 62 that you started with a couple years ago, but you got to feel like you're in good shape still.

JT POSTON: Yeah, yeah. You can't expect to shoot 62 every time you start a golf tournament. It's a solid start. I mean, the scores are going to be low, but it's a good enough start where I feel like regardless where I am after the day, it's good enough start where I feel like I can keep it going and have a chance on Sunday.

Q. Defending champ, a lot of fresh memories of success here. Does that factor in once you start and tee it up on Thursday?

JT POSTON: Well, Sepp is actually defending this year.

Q. I know, but being a past champion.

JT POSTON: Yeah, yeah, definitely brings back good memories and you kind of feed off those. It helps to know that you played this golf course really well, and even under pressure you played it really well.

Just feeding off that kind of. But obviously on Thursday you're not really thinking about that too much. Just trying to play well and give yourself a chance.

Q. Were you at all scoreboard watching this morning?

JT POSTON: No. I mean, place like this -- I'm not avoiding it, but a place like this you know scores will be low. Doesn't really matter what somebody shoots on Thursday because you're going to have plenty of chances to make birdies and catch them.

You can't really take too much out of seeing where you are on the leaderboard at this point.

Q. How much different did the course play today as opposed to early in the week in the practice rounds after the rain?

JT POSTON: Yeah, it's definitely softer. When we got here early in the week the fairways were -- had a little bit of run to them, which is nice, and even the greens had a little bit of bounce.

Now they're definitely soft, the greens especially, and you're going to have guys making a lot of birdies, a lot of low scores, especially if they can kind of control their spin a little bit.

So I would expect to see a lot of low scores.

Q. Obviously it takes low scores to win here anyway, but do you think it's going to be lower come Sunday than what to normally is here?

JT POSTON: You know, I think -- I would imagine about the same. I think I saw tomorrow could be a little windy so that might make it a little tougher and hopefully dry it out a little bit.

But you never know. It's hard to tell. Guys can get it going and guys can play really well in all kinds of conditions.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
145972-1-1041 2024-07-04 22:53:00 GMT

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