John Deere Classic

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Silvis, Illinois, USA

TPC Deere Run

Robby Shelton

Quick Quotes

Q. How were the playing conditions like today?

ROBBY SHELTON: They were good today. Pretty soft. Pretty gettable for sure. Greens were good on our first nine. You know, got it to 4-under on that back nine. That was nice.

Q. And then almost a bogey-free round besides the last hole. Talk about that just a little bit.

ROBBY SHELTON: Yeah, I was cruising all day for 17 holes. Kind of hit a holdup on the 9th, my 18th hole, and had to wait for a really long time and got out of rhythm. Hit a bad drive and luckily got the -- saved the bogey.

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