John Deere Classic

Friday, July 5, 2024

Silvis, Illinois, USA

TPC Deere Run

Davis Thompson

Quick Quotes

Q. You shoot 4-under 67. Thoughts on how you played today?

DAVIS THOMPSON: Yeah, I played solid. Felt like the wind was kind of tricky on my back nine, the front nine. I think it's going to pick up rest of the day.

So yeah, just trying to catch the leaders today and was able to shoot a good score and hopefully I can do the same tomorrow.

Q. How different was it from yesterday, the fact that I had to play the ball down and then you said the winds were kicking up pretty good.

DAVIS THOMPSON: Yeah, I mean, it was -- felt like it was blowing primarily one direction all day yesterday, which made it easy.

Felt like today it was just kind of swirling a little bit. Kind of made it a little tougher, but the greens are still soft so year able to just hit it on the flag and it's going to hit and stop.

Yeah, it played a little tougher today.

Q. Getting into crunch time, FedExCup Playoffs. You put yourself in a pretty good position right now. Back in early May you were 96th in the FedExCup points standings, but 9th at the U.S. Open and 2nd last week, moved up to 51st in the standings. Tell us about your game from that -- I guess started in Myrtle Beach. Really good tournament there.

DAVIS THOMPSON: Yeah, I made some equipment changes that have really helped out. And I didn't drive it great to start the year and I feel like that's starting to kick into gear and that's a strong suit of my game.

Starting to feel pretty comfortable over the driver. Yeah, last few months I've been a lot more consistent and executing a lot of good golf shots. So it's good to see the hard work paying off.

Q. Congrats on the round today. How do you think you played overall?

DAVIS THOMPSON: Yeah, played solid. Yeah, like I said, it was playing a little tougher today with the wind, but still soft conditions so it's going to be good scoring. Yeah, just got to go try and chase the leaders down.

Q. You were just talking about two top 10 finishes your last two tournaments. Do you look at this tournament as a chance to break through and get one to win it?

DAVIS THOMPSON: Yeah, I mean, that's the end goal, but still got a long way to go. Thankfully I put myself in position to do that and just going to go and try to have a good weekend.

Q. As you know, the tournament doesn't start until the final day. How does it feel to be in the mix with things and have the solid score today like you said?

DAVIS THOMPSON: Yeah, it's good. The goal today was to try to chase down the leaders and I did that. Put myself in position to hopefully have a good weekend.

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145984-1-1041 2024-07-05 17:50:00 GMT

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