John Deere Classic

Friday, July 5, 2024

Silvis, Illinois, USA

TPC Deere Run

CT Pan

Quick Quotes

THE MODERATOR: Assessment of your round; 8-under for the day.

CT PAN: I'm actually impressed by myself. It's pretty tough out there when the wind picks up 15, 20 mile out there.

I like I said, it's totally opposite wind direction as well so hitting different tee shot, different clubs and have different numbers for the approach shots.

I was able to hit a lot of good iron shots to give myself birdie chances out there. Eagle on 14 is always good feeling.

Q. Have you been trending toward a round like this?

CT PAN: It's been a while I have to say. It's been a while since the last time I shot, 63 so this is a good week so far.

Q. I know you had Fluff for a while. What's the new arrangement?

CT PAN: Fluff, I think it was unfortunate and I know he always wants to finish his career with Jim. They have a great partnership, so it's good to see him out there with Jim.

This week I have Ben Hulka caddieing with me. We worked together for a year or two, two years ago, so he's good. He's been good.

Q. With the Olympics on the horizon, is that a motivation for you now?

CT PAN: Yeah, you know, always want to give my conditioning, get my mental state ready for Olympics. That's the biggest event for my country and for myself also.

And it would be really cool to play well at events that only happens once ever four years.

Q. What's that bronze mean to you?

CT PAN: Everything. I can show it off now. No, it just means everything. When I was a kid I never thought golf would be one of the sports in the Olympics, and that's a great bonus for me.

Q. When you get in contention like this, how much do you look back on that experience that you had success now that you're having this week here?

CT PAN: Say again, please?

Q. Just like to win that bronze, how much do you lean on that experience when you get into a lead in another tournament like now?

CT PAN: I have to say for golf, every day is different. All I'm trying to do is focus on those 30 seconds and hit a really good shot and make a really good decision.

Q. You say every day is different. Did you have a different mindset coming in when you saw how low Springer went yesterday, you knew you had to come out and put up a pretty good number today?

CT PAN: Honestly, it's actually totally opposite. I had terrible sleep last night. Had a really serious conversation with my Olympic committee back home just trying to figure out all the arrangements before I go there.

So didn't go well, I can tell that you. I did not sleep well. So it's quite a surprise. Like I say I'm impressed by myself.

Q. Speak to the eagle on 14 today.

CT PAN: The eagle on 14, it's a drivable par-4. Hit a decent drive to the left -- actually in the first cut. I had like 35 yard chip and it's pretty stand uphill chip.

I was able to go after it.

Q. You say you didn't sleep well last night; now in the lead. Feel like you might sleep a little better tonight?

CT PAN: I know I will take a nap for sure. (Laughter.)

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