John Deere Classic

Friday, July 5, 2024

Silvis, Illinois, USA

TPC Deere Run

Aaron Rai

Quick Quotes

THE MODERATOR: Windier conditions today; 8-under round. How would you assess it?

AARON RAI: Yeah, definitely tougher today. I think we had great conditions yesterday, as good as we can get.

Today was pretty different. A lot of crosswinds, probably blew 10 to 15 all day. Played well. Good ball flights tee to green. Had a lot of opportunities and made a lot of putts as well.

Q. When you see a 59 posted and you know low scores are always out here, do you change the mentality heading into a Friday's round?

AARON RAI: Not massively. We knew the conditions today would be quite different to yesterday. There were some opportunities out there I think with how soft the course is playing. The fairways are that little bit wider and you can also be a little bit more aggressive to the pins.

So, yeah, plan was to be relatively aggressive anyway and try and pick your moments, especially in conditions like today. I think we did a pretty good job of that.

Q. You're in a stretch of really good golf right now. What's triggered that for you?

AARON RAI: Yeah. Feel like been playing well tee to green for large parts of this season. That's kind of continued over the last few weeks. I feel in a really good place off the golf course.

And then couple weeks ago I spent quite a while on the greens. My dad gave me a couple tips. Started working with John Graham last week as well, a putting coach who is based out here. That's really helped to just gel things together on the greens.

So, yeah, putting all that together has definitely translated to on the course.

Q. That said, what did you learn from Sunday of last week that you can apply now here moving forward?

AARON RAI: Yeah, I think the positives from Sunday was that I hung around pretty well. I feel like probably could have done a better job in the middle section of the round on Sunday. I dropped a few -- couple of shots in there. Just got a little bit impatient, a little bit ahead of myself as well.

Just couple too many unforced errors, which I think ultimately cost us a little bit. So hopefully I can apply some of those things tomorrow and we'll see how it goes over this weekend.

Q. Is it a good feeling knowing you're able to put that behind and you come out and start the week strong here?

AARON RAI: Yeah, really pleased with that. I think overall, from Sunday, from the whole of last week, there were so many more positives than negatives.

With the negatives there is always a few lessons in there, which is great. We knew we were playing some good golf. Really like the look of the course when I got here on Tuesday.

So, yeah, was able to kind of reset and start well obviously this week.

Q. When you're in the heat of the battle like that last week, how hungry does it make you to get back into it the following week?

AARON RAI: Yeah, it's good to experience that. I think there is always a fine balance between trying to want it a little bit too much to a point where it's easy to get in the way of yourself and in the way of performance.

But I think experiencing it definitely just gives confidence, builds another layer to the game, builds another layer to the mental side as well.

So I think those are the biggest positives to take from an experience like that. Whether that translates into this week or in it the future, ultimately makes you a better player.

Q. You mentioned your dad giving you some tips. Heard some touching stories about him in your golf journey. What's his role at this point in your golf career?

AARON RAI: Yeah, unfortunately I don't get to spend as much time with him now as I used to living over here, but he comes out a few weeks during the year to Jacksonville. Makes it to a few events over here as well. Comes to all the events in the UK.

He's still pretty hands-on there with me at every session when he's there. I really enjoy having him around. I think he enjoys being around.

Yeah, we've got a nice relationship on and off the course. Yeah, he's really helped me over the last couple weeks for sure.

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145989-1-1041 2024-07-05 18:40:00 GMT

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