John Deere Classic

Friday, July 5, 2024

Silvis, Illinois, USA

TPC Deere Run

Hayden Springer

Quick Quotes

Q. Talk about the emotions out there today. How tough was it for you to keep focused and 100% in tune with what was going on out there today after yesterday?

HAYDEN SPRINGER: It wasn't too bad. I mean, I knew it would probably -- it was a little windy he were today. Probably played a little tougher. Playing late too the greens are going to be a little more beat up so I figured it would be a little bit more tougher day.

You know, I kind of hit some bumps on the back nine, but more just mental errors and not making those short putts than anything else.

So all in all, I really feel like I played okay. I mean, I knew there was going to be a little bit after contrast. It's pretty tough to go low - that low - multiple times in a row.

But I was trying to just take it one shot at a time and see what happens.

Q. Was the warmup normal? Was it a routine warmup for you? Did you even feel a little different getting prepped for the round today?

HAYDEN SPRINGER: No. All the same. Felt the same. Everything was the same. Felt good.

Q. Was the swing good, everything with the game good? Just more mental and couple lapses?

HAYDEN SPRINGER: Yeah, I really played pretty good today. It was fairly windy. I think it played a little tougher this afternoon for sure.

I mean, I played fine. I really -- I missed few putts on the back nine -- the front nine but my back nine -- that were nothing more than just greens are a little beat up and didn't make super confident strokes.

Q. Mike was saying you had a couple iffy breaks out there today with lies in the fairway and things.

HAYDEN SPRINGER: I mean, you can get in -- mostly just a couple shots being into the grain, like where people have walked off the green. It's a heck of a lot harder when the grass is into the grain than just standing straight up or downgrain.

I got a couple of those that made it a little bit harder but it's going to happen.

Q. But that's why you're supposed to hit the greens in regulation and not worry about that.

HAYDEN SPRINGER: Yeah, don't miss. If you don't miss you don't have a problem.

Q. Are you glad this round is over and maybe things can get back mentally back to normal?

HAYDEN SPRINGER: Yeah. I mean, it's always something to learn from. You know, like being in that spot coming off that score, and being in the lead, whatever, it's something to learn from and to get better and next time we'll be better for sure.

Yeah, got two more days and I'm right there.

Q. I was going to say what's the mentality for you heading into Saturday and Sunday rounds now?

HAYDEN SPRINGER: More of the same. Just try and stay patient, one shot at a time, and learn from today on some of those misses and be ready for it tomorrow.

Q. I only have one question, a big question: How insane was your phone blowing up after yesterday? Text messages, calls, tell me about the response from people you got.

HAYDEN SPRINGER: Yeah, I had a few hundred texts that I'm still trying to get to. Yeah, people at home, everybody was going crazy. They were super excited.

Q. Do they wait until after Sunday to get answered or do you try to get them knocked out?

HAYDEN SPRINGER: I'm trying to get them as much as I can.

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