John Deere Classic

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Silvis, Illinois, USA

TPC Deere Run

Michael Thorbjornsen

Quick Quotes

Q. Nice round today. Talk about coming into the course and looking up the scoreboard and seeing Jordan's 8-under up there early this morning. Did that change your approach at all?

MICHAEL THORBJORNSEN: Not too much. I honestly didn't even see that he shot 8-under.

Q. Oh, okay.

MICHAEL THORBJORNSEN: I think I saw that on would've been 14. I go to my caddie, Drew, I said, oh, wow, fired 8. That's pretty nice. Good playing out here.

But, no, kind of the same mentality, same game plan we've had coming into every single day. Try to stick to it today. I think we hit every club the same the past three days off the tee; just kind of minding our own business.

Q. Was the course there for the taking today, any different than Thursday, Friday?

MICHAEL THORBJORNSEN: Yeah, I would say condition-wise was probably the easiest today with lack of wind. Wasn't much wind out there. Maybe some tougher pin positions. But, yeah, still quite gettable with the wind being down.

Q. Has your approached changed at all? Last year you were here as an amateur.


Q. Low Amateur in the field. Congratulations for that.


Q. Now as a pro have things changed or still same approach on this track?

MICHAEL THORBJORNSEN: Kind of the same thing. I think it definitely helps being able to play here last year. You just have for course knowledge, course experience out here.

Yeah, that's kind of why us amateurs, we try and get as many pro starts as we can. The past couple years gotten I think six, seven, something like that. Just to kind of get ahead of the curve a little bit and see what it's like, get some datapoints under your belt.

Yeah, just feels like another tournament at this point. Very similar to last year. Yeah, just kind of feels like another round of golf out there.

Q. Saturday, moving day on the TOUR. Are you pleased with your move on this Saturday?

MICHAEL THORBJORNSEN: I mean, we'll see where the other groups will finish up at. I know Davis is at 20-under, playing great golf. I'm four back right now. He might make a couple birdies coming in.

I definitely played a little bit of some sloppy golf in the middle there of the round. Missed some putts. That putt on 18 hurt a little bit. Just a misread; good stroke.

We'll see. I'm going to go out there tomorrow and play my best and kind of see where that puts me.

Q. Feel like you're in a position where you can do something tomorrow?

MICHAEL THORBJORNSEN: Yeah, definitely. I mean, there was a 59 earlier on Thursday. I remember Sepp last year. Funny, we both shot 2-over the first day; both shot 8-under the second; and I think both shot 5-under the third day.

So I think he shot 61 or something like that. He was on 59 watch. Put him in a great spot. It's out there. Got to play really good golf tomorrow. Everyone will fire low scores, so try and fire one a little lower.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
146023-1-1041 2024-07-06 21:03:00 GMT

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