John Deere Classic

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Silvis, Illinois, USA

TPC Deere Run

Luke Clanton

Quick Quotes

Q. Luke, just some opening thoughts on a great round here today.

LUKE CLANTON: Yeah, it was good. It was definitely a grind from that back nine for sure. I definitely grinded for sure. Definitely coming on 17, hitting that drive and knowing that I'm going to have 250 in for a third shot was pretty brutal. Knowing if I could just make a par here and hit two good shots on 18 and make birdie, I can be somewhat in contention for tomorrow.

It's just exciting.

Q. You said earlier in the week that you wanted to enjoy the experience. Had the walk-and-talk today. How was that?

LUKE CLANTON: That was fun. Seen Rory do it, all those guys. It's crazy. I can't even really fathom what's happening right now honestly. I'm still a 20 year old kid in college just having fun. Doing that stuff a unreal.

Q. What have the last two weeks, obviously being in contention last week as well, taught you about yourself and your game?

LUKE CLANTON: Realizing that it's possible to be out here and win. That's my goal. I think since U.S. Open to here, it's been a lot of progress, a lot of learning I would say. Just really within myself. I think it's been -- I've had a lot of close losses over the last couple months, and I've really wanted to win a lot.

So I am trying not to let that get into my mind and screw it up for me. I am going to try to stay in my process and keep going.

Q. A lot of guys tomorrow are playing for a lot of stuff. You're playing for obviously opportunity, too, whatever comes of that. But can you freewheel a little bit more knowing that there is no paycheck involved, you're not chasing a living just yet?

LUKE CLANTON: I'm good. Yeah, I'm fine. I'm having fun just playing golf right now. I have gotten that question asked a couple times over the last couple weeks and I've said the same thing. Like it's golf. Trying to play the best I can, no matter what comes with it comes with it. I'm 20 years old still trying to figure out what I'm doing, so I know there is a lot of money on the line, but I'm here to play golf.

Q. You think about potential exemption, Ticket to TOUR and all those things?

LUKE CLANTON: Actually as a amateur you don't get an exemption for top 10. That's what I found out last week as well. I got a sponsor's exemption here this week and you don't get exemptions.

Q. I'm talking about the two-year exemption.

LUKE CLANTON: Oh, if you win?

Q. Yeah.

LUKE CLANTON: We'll see. Still a long day tomorrow. I think I'm five or six back. I'm going to have to play one heck of a round tomorrow to do it.

Q. You and Nick Dunlap go far back as well. Did watching him win the American Express earlier this season maybe plant a seed like, wow, maybe this is something that isn't too far off for me?

LUKE CLANTON: Yeah, Dick Dunlap is amazing at golf. The kid is awesome. Not only a great golfer, but a good guy. I think a lot of people look at his golf game, but I've known him since he was 11 years old basically. Been a long ride with him.

Seeing him win was awesome. He won the U.S. Am, winning that, the guys was on a hot streak. Definitely kind of gave us all a little hope to come out here and maybe win.

It's different. You got to play well. You got to play great golf to win. He did it and now knowing that he can do it I can do it.

Q. I am sure you discussed it with him. Was there anything from what he's told you about that experience, about his early experiences on tour that you've taken as a lesson for yourself that you applied to this run you're having now?

LUKE CLANTON: Again, he just said to deal with the crowds. That's the best thing. I'm not used to all this crowd stuff. This is new to me. I'm still learning as it goes.

Not to get over-excited over certain golf shots or even certain putts. Just stay in the moment constantly and go with the process.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
146025-1-1041 2024-07-06 21:48:00 GMT

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