John Deere Classic

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Silvis, Illinois, USA

TPC Deere Run

Aaron Rai

Quick Quotes

Q. Aaron, second week in a row. Did you come here with maybe a sense of unfinished business from last week, or just come in here thinking, I'm playing really well and I have an opportunity to build on that?

AARON RAI: Yeah, exactly. More so the latter. I think it's very difficult to try and force great weeks. I think a lot of those just happen as a result of playing good golf and doing the right things and just trying to roll with the momentum.

So yeah, felt in a really good place coming into this week and just tried to approach it in the same way from Monday to Wednesday. Obviously played some really good golf in the last three days to put us in this position.

Q. Does your experience in the final group last week make a difference do you think? Can you build on that?

AARON RAI: I guess we'll find out tomorrow. I think it's been really good being in this position for Saturday and Sunday last week, and also today's round being in the final group.

So those are great experiences to take into tomorrow.

At the same time, it's a completely different day and it will provide a different test. We'll see how it goes.

Q. How do you feel about the round today overall? What did you like?

AARON RAI: Yeah, pleased with it overall. I think finishing off pretty well over the last few holes definitely made it feel a little bit better.

Started off really well, too. Was a little bit hit-and-miss in the middle section. Really pleased finishing off well and kind of recovering a good, solid score today.

Q. Can you pinpoint over the last couple weeks what you found to put yourself in that position now two straight weeks in a row?

AARON RAI: Yeah, I think tee-to-green the game has been pretty solid for quite a while now, for most of the season.

Started to putt really well over the last couple weeks. I think that's probably made the biggest difference inside of the game.

I feel in a pretty good place off the golf course as well.

So, yeah, definitely translating into my performances the last couple weeks.

Q. Final group on Sunday is a position a lot of people would like to be in, and twice in a row. Just how excited are you for another opportunity?

AARON RAI: Yeah, looking forward to it. After weeks like last week you never quite know when you're going to have that opportunity next - if you're going to have that opportunity next - so it's great have that the following week.

Really love the golf course. It's in great shape. Feel in a pretty good place with the game, and, yeah, it's good to have that chance tomorrow.

Q. You mentioned it yourself, that you've quietly been having a very good statistical season, one of the best on TOUR. What would a win do for you as far as validating what you've -- the work you've been putting in this season?

AARON RAI: Yeah, that's a great question. I think winning at any level is an amazing accomplishment. The PGA TOUR is the pinnacle of golf, so competing against the best players week in and week out, that's extremely validating in itself, being able to have a chance to win.

I think the game feels in a good place. This is my third year out on TOUR. Obviously success breeds confidence, but at the same time, I feel like I'm in a good place with what I've learned over the last couple years.

My game feels good. I think regardless of what happens tomorrow, there will be so many things to take forward beyond this week.

Q. Can you talk about the putting coach you went to, what his name is what -- without getting over technical, what you changed that's working so well?

AARON RAI: Yeah, I recently started working with John Graham at the start of last week. Didn't really make any technical changes. I've kind of gone down the route of becoming a little bit too technical I would say over the last two, two and a half years or so.

The conversations we had were about getting away from the technique and just more into the reads of the putts, getting a little bit more in tune with the visuals and seeing things a little bit more clearly and really using speed to dictate line a little bit more rather than focusing a little too much on line and then fitting speed to the line.

That's been the main thing really.

Q. Those two exemptions for The Open Championship still up for grabs tomorrow. Being an Englishman playing in an Open before, how much are you going to allow those two potential exemptions motivate you tomorrow?

AARON RAI: Yeah, it's a great opportunity. Again, there are a lot of great opportunities tomorrow. I think there is a lot of motivation, a lot to play for anyway. Those two extra spots obviously are an amazing bonus.

But, again, as cliche as it sounds, as much as I can just focus on tomorrow for what it is, I'll give myself the best possible chance. That's all I can do really.

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146031-1-1041 2024-07-06 22:16:00 GMT

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