John Deere Classic

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Silvis, Illinois, USA

TPC Deere Run

Michael Thorbjornsen

Quick Quotes

Q. Heck of a run you made for final round. How you feeling?

MICHAEL THORBJORNSEN: Feeling good. I'm definitely tired. It's going to be a little stressful to see where I finish. I know -- I mean, Drew and I, my caddie, we aren't going overseas to try and qualify for The Open, and thought a good round today could put us in the talk of maybe get ting that spot.

We'll see. But feel really good on Sunday not really with the chance to win, but definitely in the mix of a really good finish. Played some good golf. Got really hot in the middle of the round and finished with a very nice birdie.

Q. Was The Open in your mind when you stood over that putt at 18?

MICHAEL THORBJORNSEN: Oh, definitely. Yeah, my caddie and I were talking about how much we love the putt, pumping ourselves up. Yeah, I mean, we had a great read, great roll, and then you could see his reaction. I think that was my first fist pump of the day.

So I mean, we know what it means to make that putt. We'll see.

Q. How big was that par save on 5? Heck of a third shot to get back on the green and give yourself that chance.

MICHAEL THORBJORNSEN: Yeah, that was huge. I think we were -- we missed two really easy birdie putts on 1 and 2; good par on 3; great birdie on 4; and then 5 just hit a poor tee shot right. You can't hit it right there.

I had a really small gap in the tree to attack the green. Thought I hit a really, really good shot. It's just so hard to get a number and really know how far it is to get to the hole. I think I also caught a flier as well.

I was honestly a little terrified after -- we see the ball flying in the air and then I hear it rattle the grandstands. Not just the back, but where people were sitting, and I was really worried about hitting someone and hurting someone pretty bad.

Going back to see where it was I knew I had to get relief. I knew there was enough green there to work with if I hit a really nice flop. Yeah, that was a huge par to keep the round going at 1-under, even though I haven't played my best stuff yet.

Q. How did that set up the rest of the round for you?

MICHAEL THORBJORNSEN: It was great. Hit the fairway on the next hole and then hit it to like two feet. Struggled again with the driver a little bit on 8, but managed to get it past all the trees and hit it to another foot there.

And then I think it was six in a row from there on in.

Q. What are the emotions you leave here with? You play solid week of golf yet you come up short of getting that Open spot. What's the mindset?

MICHAEL THORBJORNSEN: I mean, this is my third event as a pro. I played really well. I don't know what I finished at, 23, 24-under.

Q. 24.

MICHAEL THORBJORNSEN: Davis is playing unbelievable golf this week. I think last year 22, 23 won, so just knowing that the score itself is there, I feel like I definitely left some shots out there, too.

Obviously feeling really good with where the game is at and there are still things I can improve on.

Q. You played a lot of golf with Luke. Had success here as an amateur. What do you make of what he's doing here the last couple weeks?

MICHAEL THORBJORNSEN: Well, he's standing right behind you so I can't be too nice. No, yeah, Luke is a great player. I played with him at regionals, outstanding ball-striker, great attitude. Smashed my finish last year. I think I came 17 or something. Not sure what we're at right now.

He played a great round of golf, a lot cleaner than mine I would say.

But, yeah, he's going to do great things the rest of this summer and then going into college.

Q. You needed to big round to do to push for The Open; you got a big round. Knowing it's in your back pocket when you need it, what does that do for your confidence going forward?

MICHAEL THORBJORNSEN: It does a lot. I knew I needed a big round. Again, you can't really force a big round. Can't try and make everything.

It just comes to you. I set myself up the best way I probably could today. Even though the driver wasn't working great on some holes, when I did hit it well I took advantage of it. Stuck a lot of my shots close.

Probably the best iron play that I had this week. So, yeah, it just clicks and things went my way today.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
146058-1-1041 2024-07-07 21:46:00 GMT

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