John Deere Classic

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Silvis, Illinois, USA

TPC Deere Run

CT Pan

Quick Quotes

Q. Just some thoughts on a great week here and punching your ticket to The Open Championship.

CT PAN: Yeah, just informed about the news. It's going to be a great trip. Honestly going to be hectic to arrange all the travel details last minute, but it will be a good problem to have and my wife and I will be looking forward to our trip there.

Q. Makes your schedule busier with the Olympics behind that.

CT PAN: Yeah, I think I'm actually having any AJGA events in Houston, so I might have to say -- because every year we invite like 10 to 12 kids from Taiwan to participate in my AJGA. I might have to say no to those kids and say, you guys are on your own. I'm going to The Open. (Smiling.)

Q. Did you know you were playing for potential spot in The Open this week?

CT PAN: Yes. I always knew there are two spots. Honestly I did not pay too much attention on that.

I just know I need to do really well out there today to have a chance.

Q. Did that keep you motivated as Davis went farther and farther ahead?

CT PAN: Yes. You know, The Open is always on the top list of my of want to do. I've been there three, four times. I feel if fits my game, but somehow in the past I haven't played well. Hopefully this trip will be different.

Q. Will you speak to how well you performed this week at the John Deere Classic? It's a game of momentum with The Open Championship, with the Olympics coming up. Just how you feel after your performance this week?

CT PAN: Feel great. You know, even last week I miss the cut by one or two. I still feel great about my game. It's just one of the weeks like if everything clicks. Putting, I feel I putt just the same; probably hit it closer last week but miss the cut and this week I made everything. Good week to have.

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146060-1-1041 2024-07-07 21:55:00 GMT

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