Workday Charity Open

Thursday, July 9, 2020

Dublin, Ohio, USA

Muirfield Village

Keegan Bradley

Quick Quotes

Q. Keegan, if we can just get some thoughts on your round. It was memorable out there I'm sure.

KEEGAN BRADLEY: Yeah, it was. I had the hole-in-one on 6, but the course played tough today, even though supposedly it's supposed to play easier this week. But the scores aren't that low.

Q. Take us through that hole.

KEEGAN BRADLEY: It's actually really weird, I hit a 6-iron, it was 210, and I hit the shot, and there was probably five or six people up by the green, and no one did anything. A guy raised his hand, and I said to my caddie Chad, I said, a guy raised his hand. Normally that happens when they go in, but no one did anything else, so we walked up to the green, I fixed my ball mark, I'm looking all over the green for it, and someone just goes, "It's in the hole," like really casually. It was just bizarre.

Q. Which is sort of what all of this is, right?

KEEGAN BRADLEY: Yeah, it was. None of them reacted up by the green. Even with five or six people, you'd think they'd throw their hands up. No one reacted, and I was looking for my ball in the back bunker, and it was in the hole. It was weird. It was definitely different.

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