Workday Charity Open

Friday, July 10, 2020

Dublin, Ohio, USA

Muirfield Village

Ryan Armour

Quick Quotes

Q. Walk us through your round today. What worked for you?

RYAN ARMOUR: I don't think I'm going to make the cut, but got off to a good start, birdied 1, stupid bogey on 3, little missed club. Great eagle on 5. Missed the green on -- I thought I hit a really good wedge shot on 7, and it spun all the way down the hill. Hit one up there dead-handed and ended up with 50 feet, great two-putt. 8, don't get up-and-down after a good pitch to like four feet. Made a good par on 9, good par on 10. I'm trying to think, 11, nothing. 12, good up-and-down. 13, hoop it from like 40 feet, which was unexpected. 14, missed one. That's when they called us in. I was on 14. When I came out I had like a little 30-yard pitch and left it about 12 feet underneath the hole and didn't make it. And then 15 -- 15 is a bad hole for me. Where it widens out is about 285, and I can't carry that number, so I'm hitting it in like a 12-yard fairway, and I hit it down there in the water, pitched out, hit it up by the green, didn't get up-and-down. 16, great birdie. 17, bad tee shot. 18, bad tee shot.

Yeah, off the tee is probably where I messed upcoming in.

Q. And that's where you've been really good, right?

RYAN ARMOUR: Yeah, absolutely.

Q. You're used to coming here and having crowd support. Obviously that's not the case. How different was it not having it here?

RYAN ARMOUR: Like I said earlier, it's eerily silent at all these events, especially coming here, being an Ohio State alum, I miss it. I definitely enjoy the interaction with the crowds and the "Go Bucks" and the "O-H"s. I just hope in the near future we can get back to normal.

Q. I know on 14 people are going for it. What do you think of that?

RYAN ARMOUR: I think it's a great idea. You know, you can get a little different with the hole locations. Like today was up on a little like knob that usually at Memorial it's too fast for, and I think it's an awesome idea. Not every day; I think you should still have to hit wedge shots. But I think it's a great idea to make that kind of a risk-reward hole.

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