The Memorial Tournament Presented By Workday

Friday, June 7, 2024

Dublin, Ohio, USA

Muirfield Village

Ludvig Åberg

Quick Quotes

Q. Another solid round, put yourself in contention through two days. You talked about maybe having some rust the last time you played. Are you happy with now taking a longer break and feeling like you're knocking some of that off?

LUDVIG ÅBERG: Yeah, I think so. I mean, today, even though it played harder and the score wasn't the same, it still felt a little bit better, I guess. My biggest thing whenever I'm playing golf is I'm okay with missing, I just want to feel like if I miss it right, it's right, and if I miss it left, it's left. I guess those things kind of matched up a little bit better today.

But, yeah, I'm obviously pleased with the result. It was a tough day and a lot of up-and-downs and bunker shots and whatnot. So, overall, looking forward to the next couple days.

Q. We heard that there's a diagnosis on the knee as a partial tear in the meniscus. Can you confirm that?

LUDVIG ÅBERG: What's that?

Q. Do you have a partial tear in the meniscus in the knee?

LUDVIG ÅBERG: I think that's between me and my doctors. It is what it is. It's between me and my doctors.

Q. How did you play the 12th, the par-3, with that wind, flighting, how did you process that whole thing?

LUDVIG ÅBERG: I can't really remember the number. It was probably around 160, 155 meters. It was in off your left and it's a tricky hole. If you get it up in the air, it gets touched, and if you get it through, it doesn't, so I hit a good nice 7-iron, flight it a little bit with the wind, and ended up being the right number, and I wish I would have made the putt.

Q. It looked like a fun moment with Joe after the bunker hole-out. Want to know what he has meant to you throughout this year having him on the bag?

LUDVIG ÅBERG: Yeah, Joe's brought a lot of experience, he's brought a lot of good things to the team, obviously with his experience and the things he knows about every golf course that we come to and he knows how to get around and he's improved my game a lot.

Q. Is it hard to stay in your own game when you're playing with Scottie the way he's playing at the moment?

LUDVIG ÅBERG: No, I think at this point you're almost expecting him to do those things, so it's almost like I can only do myself and can control what I can control. Yeah, obviously he's playing very, very good golf and it doesn't look very difficult when he's playing, but all I can do is try to keep up and make sure I'm not too far behind, I guess.

Q. They mentioned on television, or reported on television about your knee. The only question I have is, does it affect your game in any way shape or form when you're out there?

LUDVIG ÅBERG: No, it does not. I've been playing and practicing to a hundred percent over the last couple of weeks and I don't feel anything when I'm playing.

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