Barracuda Championship

Friday, July 31, 2020

Truckee, California, USA

Tahoe Mountain Club

Ryan Moore

Quick Quotes

Q. What do you think worked so well for you today?

RYAN MOORE: Today was a little bit up and down compared to yesterday at least. Yesterday was a really solid day. Just kind of couldn't find my rhythm early with my swing, and putting, just wasn't taking advantage of -- when I did hit a good shot, I was missing putts. But was able to kind of pull it together there and not lose too many points today, and ended up making a couple birdies there at the end to kind of get back positive and stay in a good place for the tournament.

Q. Is there anything that surprised you about the course today that you didn't quite notice yesterday?

RYAN MOORE: No, there's definitely things I had noticed. I just unfortunately put it in a lot of bad places today that I didn't do yesterday. I had some really, really hard up-and-downs, borderline impossible, unless you were going to make a 20-footer. I just hit it in a lot of the wrong places today. I knew not to hit it there, but sometimes you just make some bad swings and hit some bad shots. Like I said I was able to salvage something decent out of today, so at least I've still got some positive there in the end, and hopefully some good things will happen on the weekend.

Q. How do you just bring this momentum going into Saturday and Sunday to hopefully make a run at this?

RYAN MOORE: I mean, it's just going out and being aggressive. This system rewards being aggressive and making birdies. Do basically exactly what I did yesterday which was control the ball really well and keep it on the right side of the hole, proper side of the hole. I didn't have too many tough putts and too many hard up-and-downs yesterday. Just kind of focus on that over the weekend, and hopefully just go make some birdies.

Q. How do you think this tournament helps you heading into the rest of the season, into the FedExCup Playoffs?

RYAN MOORE: I mean, it's huge right now. There's not very many tournaments left and you can move up a lot pretty quick having a good finish. That's why I'm here this week. I've had some good solid play the last couple weeks leading into this event. I liked where my game was at and I came up here to try and have a good finish and try and play well here. I put myself in okay position over the first two days. I would like to have a few more points going into the weekend, but I still am in a good place, and we'll see what happens.

Q. Do you think the modified Stableford format may help your game a little bit more, just not what you're typically --

RYAN MOORE: You know, it's not something I've done. I played the International a long time ago when that was in the Denver area. I played that a couple times, and I think I've only played this event once, so it's not something I'm very familiar with. I would say it maybe doesn't suit my game as much, but at the same time, I got pretty comfortable with it over the last couple days, and you kind of feel that being aggressive is what matters. Making a birdie and bogey back-to-back, at least you're positive points rather than two pars in a row. It's kind of hard. It's different for us to think that way. But taking some clubs and being a little bit more aggressive is definitely what you want to do.

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