Barracuda Championship

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Truckee, California, USA

Tahoe Mountain Club

Marcus Armitage

Quick Quotes

Q. Just an assessment of your round?

MARCUS ARMITAGE: Yeah, it's hot. You know, bit different to Manchester where I'm from. Yeah, been doing a lot of good things lately, and yeah, it's paid off today.

Q. Played in tournament before, but Stableford for the scoring format. Any other experience with that, playing other tournaments besides this one?

MARCUS ARMITAGE: No, Ryan had a pretty poor second hole to the day and picked his ball up on the green and I was like, that's mad.

But, yeah, no, it's a good fun tournament. I've be having loads of texts from people at home saying why I'm plus 12 but you shot 5-under par.

Yeah, it's pretty cool. Yeah, it's a great place.

Q. With this format does it allow you to play a little bit more aggressive?

MARCUS ARMITAGE: Yeah, just got to get birdies. Bogey-free and a couple of birdies ain't going to cut in this week. You're better off going at it and trying to make a bunch of birdies and just get them points on the board.

Q. Any friends and family that joined out here to the States this week?

MARCUS ARMITAGE: Yeah, my wife's come with me. It was my birthday on Monday, so she flew out here with me on Monday. I think it's afternoon in Lake Tahoe for me now.

Q. Going off the lake, what other activities have you been able to explore around?

MARCUS ARMITAGE: We've done a little bit of gambling in Reno. Yeah, no, that's really it. We only got in late Monday night so we hadn't had much time because I've been preparing.

Yeah, staying on for a week after this, so we'll do a bit of exploring then.

Q. How did it go at the casinos?

MARCUS ARMITAGE: I'm not a gambler but I think my wife is up.

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