The Northern Trust

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Norton, Massachusetts, USA

TPC Boston

Russell Henley

Quick Quotes

Q. Russell, let's start with the second shot on 18. How good did that look?

RUSSELL HENLEY: It was right where I wanted to hit it. Trying it hit up the middle of the green. Landed on the front of the green. I think I landed it a foot on, so that was really nice. That's a tricky hole or tricky second shot in there when you hit the fairway. And I've hit also a lot of bad shots on that hole, too, so it was nice to hit one to a foot and get in with a 3.

Q. You're sixth straight round on Tour sub-70. What's been clicking in your game?

RUSSELL HENLEY: Been making more putts. I feel confident on the greens, and I've been hitting it pretty much the same for a while, pretty consistently. So I just holed a few more putts I think and that gives me a little momentum.

Q. Coming in where you are in the FedExCup standings, does it maybe allow you to maybe be freed up a little bit more to try to make those birdies?

RUSSELL HENLEY: I think so. This is my fifth in a row, and I've tried to play the last few just so I can maybe the Top-125 and guarantee my good status for next year.

So for a while there I wasn't in the top 125. So now that I'm in the Playoffs, you know I'm just trying to compete the best that I can, so we'll see what happens.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
100789-1-1003 2020-08-20 22:47:00 GMT

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