The Northern Trust

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Norton, Massachusetts, USA

TPC Boston

Russell Henley

Quick Quotes

Q. You started the week outside of the top 100 and you've played your way into the BMW. How proud are you of what you've done?

RUSSELL HENLEY: I'm thankful. Like I've said so many times, it's good golf out here; you are working hard to shave off a stroke or a half a stroke every day. It's just such a grind. Sometimes I wake up Sunday morning, and I'm like, I can't believe I have another day of golf to play. It's just so much golf and there's so many ebbs and flows.

I'm thankful. I felt really confident with my game. I felt confident lately tee-to-green, and on the greens, and I feel pretty good. So it was nice to come back after a rough start today and that's what I'm most proud of.

Q. With the start that you did get off to, was there a point in the round where you felt like you needed to get into a bit of a desperation mode?

RUSSELL HENLEY: I knew I was playing well, but honestly after I made bogey on 4, I felt like walking in. But yeah, you feel like you've got to be more aggressive for sure but I just knew that if I played my game, hit fairways and picked the right targets, I just need to keep giving myself looks.

You know, it was a heck of a finish.

Q. As you move on to Chicago, what are you happiest about your game right now?

RUSSELL HENLEY: I'm starting to putt a little better. I feel like I've been working on the right things and seen a little bit of improvement. Not quite as kept as I wanted, but feel good about that and physically I feel good. I haven't always felt great physically this late in the season, and I don't have really any pain in my body, so it's been great.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
100890-1-1003 2020-08-23 21:44:00 GMT

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