The Northern Trust

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Norton, Massachusetts, USA

TPC Boston

Kevin Kisner

Quick Quotes

Q. You came into the week in the 40th spot and you're now in 15. Pretty good spot for East Lake. Your thoughts on the week and making that big move.

KEVIN KISNER: My goal was to secure East Lake this week, not knowing what Olympia Fields is, I've never been there. Not knowing the golf course, didn't want to put all the pressure on a place I've never been to before.

I knew this golf course. I knew I could play well and had a about week with the putter, and it was nice to finish off no bogeys today in a lot of swirling wind. So it was a nice solid round.

Q. As you move on to Chicago, what are you happiest with your game right now?

KEVIN KISNER: I just like the way I'm scoring. The last few weeks I've just been playing the game and not golf swing, which is really nice. Today I didn't feel great with the golf swing but managed to get it around and get the ball in the fairway which you had to do here, which was tough, a lot of crosswinds and it blew the most today. It probably played the most difficult in my opinion.

Q. Finish at 17-under par, and you look at the scoreboard and you're down 12. Just your thoughts on what DJ has done to this track?

KEVIN KISNER: Yes, that's the type of talent he is. He can absolutely dismantle a golf course when he's on and lead the field in putting. Obviously he drives it straight, and hard to believe, the further on TOUR. So when you add those two up, pretty much unstoppable. I've been watching it for 25 years. I'm pretty accustomed to. It when he's on, I just step to the side and try to add on to my bank account.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
100891-1-1003 2020-08-23 21:53:00 GMT

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