The Northern Trust

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Norton, Massachusetts, USA

TPC Boston

Alex Noren

Quick Quotes

Q. You started the week outside the Top-70 and moved your way in. How proud are you of what you've done?

ALEX NOREN: I'm very proud. Like I said, I hit enough good shots and I hit some bad shots, but that's what golf is all about, and I worked really hard on trying to forget the bad things and tried to kind of, you know, get a whole week together. It was fun out there. It's a little bit trickier today but got it together.

Q. As you move on to Chicago, what is clicking so well in your game right now?

ALEX NOREN: I mean, I've been putting better. I've been hitting, this week, the iron shots a little closer. I've tried to work on -- get back on my fade. I tried to hit it both ways the last couple years. The draw has gotten better but the fade has gotten worse, so I seem to miss a few more greens every round, especially the long irons, 6-, 5-, 4-irons on the par 3s, especially. I hit a lot more greens on the longer holes, and that makes the whole round so much easier than having to chip a couple extra times.

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