The Northern Trust

Saturday, August 21, 2021

Jersey City, New Jersey, USA

Liberty National Golf Club

Erik Van Rooyen

Quick Quotes

Q. Assessment of the round, 9-under 62 for you today?

ERIK VAN ROOYEN: Yeah, just stoked. Hit the ball great, and then when you add a putter to, it good things happen. Really, really happy.

Q. You switched back to an old putter?

ERIK VAN ROOYEN: Yeah, the putter itself is not old. I think it's San Diego, but it's similar to the style I grew up putting with. I've been sort of up-and-down with putting over the last couple years and I think going back to something that my eye really likes obviously really helps.

Q. You're one of the very few rookies on Tour this year given the non-member points situation from last year. It's been an up-and-down year. How would you describe it looking back as a whole?

ERIK VAN ROOYEN: Up-and-down, definitely. Lots of down. I've only sort of found my feet the last month or so, and I saw glimpse of it earlier, like take the U.S. Open qualifier, for example, played really well. Finish I've been riddled with little niggles here and there, hurt my neck at the U.S. Open which didn't help and setback again, went home for three weeks, not touch a club and then you've got The Open Championship coming up.

But throughout that, there was glimpse of really good stuff and I hung on to that and it's coming through now.

Q. Different from what you had at the Masters?

ERIK VAN ROOYEN: Yeah, Masters was low back. It's all somewhat related. It's different but it's instability in the spine that I've been sorting out since December. I'm feeling great now.

Q. Have you had any problems with injuries before this year?

ERIK VAN ROOYEN: No. It's been smooth sailing, and I guess when you get to 30, things start changing but I'm taking care of it.

Q. You mentioned the downs, was it the tee marker, is that a low point?

ERIK VAN ROOYEN: It's probably one of the low points of my career. It's not really like me to do stuff like that, but obviously did it and I apologized for it. Still pretty embarrassed about it. I've moved on and I hope the rest of the people can.

Q. And how is the sleep schedule with the baby recently?

ERIK VAN ROOYEN: I'm fine because I'm on the road. Poor mom, she's been taking all the heat at home. But been sleeping great so everybody's happy.

Q. One of the all-time clichés we use is perspective with fatherhood. Is it a real thing? Do you actually feel different?

ERIK VAN ROOYEN: For me, the biggest thing, I didn't know you could love something so much, like, instantly. That was the biggest thing. I don't feel like all of a sudden I'm sort of playing for someone else or anything like that. But I just -- you're a bit lighter when you walk off the course because you get to look into your daughter's eyes and everything's okay.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
111730-1-1003 2021-08-21 20:15:00 GMT

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