BMW Championship

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Castle Rock, Colorado, USA

Castle Pines Golf Club

Keegan Bradley

Quick Quotes

Q. What's your experience playing at high elevation like, and have you seen indications from yourself that you're capable of something like this?

KEEGAN BRADLEY: Yeah, we took a long time trying to figure it out on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. We got it down to about 10 percent when it's this temperature. This morning we were playing 8 percent. It's worked out. It's definitely a little bit more stressful because there's a lot more going on, numbers, but we did a good job of it today.

Q. Do you feel like you've gotten a new lease on life getting the actual number and now you're making the most of it?

KEEGAN BRADLEY: Definitely. Sunday afternoon was one of the toughest afternoons of my PGA TOUR career. It was really brutal. It's such a relief to be here.

I just felt a lot calmer today. But I played really, really well.

Q. Where were you Sunday afternoon? Where did you hear the news from? Billy, I guess?

KEEGAN BRADLEY: Well, I was in my room. I had the FedExCup standings, the coverage on, the featured holes, my phone. I had it all going.

But it was tough. But glad that it worked out.

Q. (Indiscernible) you talked about the importance of that magic 50. Does it feel stronger this year, having gone through it, I guess?

KEEGAN BRADLEY: Yeah, the top 50 is one of our most important numbers for us as players to be playing in these big tournaments and FedExCup points. I want to be out there with the guys and the Ryder Cup team. I want to be playing with them, on the range with them, in the locker room, in the tournament. It was really important for me to be in this top 50.

Q. Given your position coming in, did you take any different approach today, play more aggressively, anything like that?

KEEGAN BRADLEY: No. I don't play very well when I do that. I just went out and played as if I would play a normal round. We talked about it before, Scottie and I. We just said, let's just play normal. Try to birdie any hole -- I can anyway, whenever. That was the plan.

Q. Did you feel like you were trying to protect 50 last week, and this week now you're trying to chase 30?

KEEGAN BRADLEY: Yeah, maybe a little. I don't know what it is about that Memphis course. I just struggle on it. But a little bit. It was constantly on my mind throughout the week, as it is for everybody. I'm sure it'll be on my mind this week, too. But this is a little different feel here than it was last week.

Q. What would you be doing today if you had been 51?

KEEGAN BRADLEY: I'd probably be hanging with my boys. Wouldn't have been all that bad.

Q. Jack Nicklaus designed the original part. He's been part of the renovations of this course. He designs courses and doesn't like to defeat the golfer, kind of challenge him. How would you describe this course?

KEEGAN BRADLEY: This course, you have to put the ball in the fairway. If you put the ball in the fairway, you're going to have a lot of scoring clubs. You've got to really have a good grasp on your numbers with the altitude. We did a good job of that today.

You've just got to hit as many fairways as you can.

Q. He said if it rains, too, that could really bring the scores down. Is that something, just part of the equation if it happens because the greens will soften up?

KEEGAN BRADLEY: Yeah, normally when it gets wet for us out here, the scores always go down. Doesn't matter if it's a major a tournament, any tournament.

Q. Did you and Cam have the conversation at all today that you both have to (indiscernible)?

KEEGAN BRADLEY: No, we didn't. We don't want to relive any of that horrifying afternoon. It's really important for us to make this top 50 as players. It's a real -- you get here and you're proud of what you've done, even though it was stressful. Happy to be here.

Q. Colorado has waited a long time for the PGA TOUR to come back. What did you think about the atmosphere and the ambiance out there?

KEEGAN BRADLEY: Yeah, the fans were great. They were really passionate about the Ryder Cup and USA. I really enjoyed playing golf in front of the fans today and playing on this course.

Q. Was there any particular hole that kind of challenged you the most, that from the tee box you are wary of?

KEEGAN BRADLEY: Yeah, the 10th hole is really tough tee to green. You're hitting downwind into downhill, downwind on the second shot, over water. So it's hard to get that height on it to get it on the green. It's a tough shot.

Q. What was the highlight of today's round?

KEEGAN BRADLEY: The birdie on 18 was nice. I was pumped about that because I had a really tough putt.

But on the 7th hole I ran a putt by about 10 feet and made it for par. Those are always the big ones.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
147574-1-1002 2024-08-22 20:11:00 GMT

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