BMW Championship

Friday, August 23, 2024

Castle Rock, Colorado, USA

Castle Pines Golf Club

Wyndham Clark

Quick Quotes

Q. With all the rain we got last night, did it play much easier or any different?

WYNDHAM CLARK: Well, I mean, clearly Adam made it look pretty easy. Yeah, it was easier to hit fairways just because it would stop and wasn't going to roll out as much. When it gets soft like that, it's obviously easier, but it's sometimes more challenging with how tight the fairways are, and then you have these forced carries and there's a lot of slope. So to control your spin was kind of tough out there. Overall I'd say it was a little bit easier.

Q. When you see the scores like Adam's, what are your thoughts?

WYNDHAM CLARK: I mean, it was out there. Shoot, I made those three birdie putts on the back nine that were all right around 10 feet. To shoot a 7-under round, that's only a couple off what he did.

But yeah, anytime someone shoots 9-, 10-under, it shows that the course is gettable. I'm hoping tomorrow I'll go out a little earlier and maybe shoot one of those good rounds.

Q. Can you take us through the shot on 17 out of the trees there?

WYNDHAM CLARK: Yeah, I mean, that was definitely the shot of the day. I'm kind of bummed it didn't result in a birdie. But I was really pissed off I hit it over there. Of all the times I've played here, I've never been that far right.

Yeah, it was a challenging shot because I couldn't ground my club. Upslope, but I had to go either below or a tree; if you pull it, it goes in the water. There's so many variables. Just to pull it off and not hit a tree was something great, and then to not be in the rough was even greater. Definitely the shot of the day for me.

Q. It seems to be the history of this place that the par-5s are good opportunities.

WYNDHAM CLARK: Yeah, I unfortunately haven't taken that much advantage of them. Yesterday I was kind of on par to do that and then hit it in the water. I bogeyed two of them. Then today not birdieing 14 and 17 was not good. One of my goals tomorrow would be to try to play them 3- to 5-under, which would be huge.

If you can birdie them or make three out of the four, it would be really good.

Q. That's my point is that's definitely --

WYNDHAM CLARK: Yeah, if there's any holes out here that are -- I wouldn't say easy but at least really scorable, it's the par-5s because you hit it so much straighter at elevation and you're going to have most likely an iron into all these par-5s, you should make birdies.

Q. You said you thought you played well yesterday. You played well again today. In contention again, how does that feel?

WYNDHAM CLARK: I mean, in contention, I'm nine back. Yesterday was more of a bummer than today. I thought I played better yesterday. I mean, I had four water balls yesterday and I shot even par. Take those away, it's probably a 5-, 6-under round and we would be at 9-, 10-under. All in all, I've played really good. I've handled the pressure pretty well. It's not always easy coming home and being the hometown kid and all the expectations on me. I feel like I've done a good job thus far.

Q. You went back and forth on your club selection on 16. What made you change your mind? Obviously you must be happy with --

WYNDHAM CLARK: So we never actually changed our mind. Rory just confused us because we thought it was 7-iron all day and then Rory hit 7-iron and barely covered. So then we were questioning it.

Then the wind quickly switched. So we thought of going to the 6-iron. Then I just felt like it was too tough to fit a 6-iron back there, and then the wind went back to the predominant southwest wind, and then John and I just said, just hit it hard and it should be good. I didn't think it was going to get that far. Then to walk up there and have it be only six inches was a nice delight.

Q. Throughout the course of the whole season, what's the one best thing John did for you this year?

WYNDHAM CLARK: That John did? That's a great question. You know, the best thing that John and I have is transparency, so anytime that he thinks I'm doing something wrong or that we need to maybe work on something, he's very open to working on that, and we're both very vocal in talking about that. Maybe there's not one specific thing, but I just think anytime he can sense when maybe I'm losing my focus or getting too amped up or I need to calm down or whatever it is, he tells me that and then we talk about it and then he gets me out of that and ultimately then playing good golf.

Q. How much did it mean to him, do you think, when you won at Pebble this year?

WYNDHAM CLARK: Of all my wins, that's probably his favorite, to be honest. Winning a major is huge, and that's my biggest one. But for him growing up only an hour away, playing that place all the time, he just was an alternate at the U.S. Open there, he had played in the event before, it's his favorite place on earth, so for us to win there, he jokingly said he's going to retire right after that, and I said, no, you're not.

Yeah, that was a big one. I was really happy I could do it for him.

Q. It was a pretty cool moment with the Colorado fans today coming to the 18th tee. Have you ever experienced anything like that before with the four biggest draws in this tournament at the same place at the same time?

WYNDHAM CLARK: I mean, experienced a lot of fans and stuff. I've experienced that a lot. But there's not many double tees in professional golf, so as far as that specific example, no, you don't really have kind of some of the four best players on the same tee kind of hitting different shots. That was kind of unique. It's also cool, we're all friends and we're all trying to do the same thing. Yeah, it was a cool experience.

Q. Your alma mater is kicking off the Colorado high school football season tonight. Do you have anything to say to the Valor Eagles, and do you remember those days going into a new high school season with optimism for the year?

WYNDHAM CLARK: Well, first off, go Eagles. But yeah, geez, I remember Friday night under the lights, Valor football was really fun back in the day. When I was there we won, I think, three or maybe four state championships when I was there for my four years. So we were obviously very good. Got to watch Christian play, which was fun.

Yeah, it's a fun atmosphere, and Valor has been one of the best football programs in Colorado, so it's cool.

Q. I'm guessing you've played a fair amount with Rory in the same group maybe. You seem to do a lot of talking, that sort of thing. Is that a good pairing for you or do you even think about stuff like that?

WYNDHAM CLARK: Yeah, I mean, Rory and I have probably played I'd say a total of 14, 15 rounds together. Rory is a nice guy, and I typically, my demeanor, I like to talk to my playing partners. It helps me get into a better place. So I guess if that's the case, we struck up some good conversations, had some good laughs. It kind of just makes the day a little bit more enjoyable and go by quicker.

Q. He threw his club into the water. Have you been there before?

WYNDHAM CLARK: Yeah, I think there's videos of it. I've done it many times.

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