BMW Championship

Friday, August 23, 2024

Castle Rock, Colorado, USA

Castle Pines Golf Club

Keegan Bradley

Quick Quotes

Q. Do you still feel like you're playing a little bit with house money having endured what you endured on Sunday?

KEEGAN BRADLEY: Yeah, I do. It's such a difference this week than last week, just looking at the leaderboard. I have no thoughts like I had last week. It just feels like I'm playing a regular event in the middle of the season, which is a nice relief.

Q. Three shots with 36 holes to go. You've won out here. You know what it takes. You know what the meaning of three shots is. Does it mean much?

KEEGAN BRADLEY: Well, when you've got a player like Adam in the lead it means more, when he's up by three. I'll have to play my very best to catch him, for sure.

Q. You go to bed last night with the lead and you basically tee off and you're way behind today. Is it a little bit of a weird dynamic how it went, and did it change the way you might have played the round?

KEEGAN BRADLEY: No, it was strange, but it's happened to me a million times out here where you play a good round and all of a sudden you're way back. But Adam is a world-class Hall-of-Fame type player. He went out and did what he does, and I'll have to play really well to hang with him this weekend.

Q. What about your own game and the way you're playing? 18 is the only bogey in two days. It's pretty good golf after maybe some scratchy golf last week?

KEEGAN BRADLEY: Yeah, I just have basically hit every shot the way I wanted this week. Even that drive on 18, I hit really well. Just the wind got it a little bit. Game feels really good. I feel really comfortable. It's really fun to play in front of these fans. They're excited. They're passionate. It's been a lot of fun.

Q. What do you think clicked?

KEEGAN BRADLEY: I mean, I don't know. Sometimes you show up to the golf course, it just feels better.

Q. You're first in strokes gained tee to green and approach --

KEEGAN BRADLEY: Yeah, I'm really swinging at it well. That's about as high as I could have shot today, but I made some putts on the back, which is nice, so hopefully I can keep that rolling.

Q. You've been the leader after 18 holes. There's still a long way to go. But this was your 11th time. You're 0 for 10, never had the lead after the first -- lead or co-lead. Do you have any explanation for that?

KEEGAN BRADLEY: Well, I would say if you gamble, if you're a gambler, then that says that you're due for a win. Leading on Thursday means nothing. I'm excited to be in position to -- it matters where you stand on Sunday afternoon.

I've put myself in a great position to have a good chance to win, and I'm proud of that.

Q. Is there any rhyme or reason for two of the older players in the field to be at the top of the leaderboard?

KEEGAN BRADLEY: I have no idea. I really enjoy playing with Adam, so I'm excited to go out in the final group and play with him tomorrow. He's a guy that I've always admired and looked up to and watched as a kid. When I come out on TOUR, he's been one of the better guys, so I look forward to playing with him tomorrow.

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