BMW Championship

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Castle Rock, Colorado, USA

Castle Pines Golf Club

Ludvig Aberg

Quick Quotes

Q. Quite an interesting day for you. How do you sum up the day?

LUDVIG ABERG: Yeah, there was a lot of things happening, I think. First hole I was kind of handling a little nosebleed incident on the fairway. But felt like I was being aggressive all day. I was making aggressive swings, aggressive putts, which I like. I don't mind making a 5 the aggressive way. I'd rather do that than a 4 the bail-out way. I felt like we did that well today, and hopefully we'll keep it up tomorrow.

Q. How difficult was the course playing today?

LUDVIG ABERG: It was hard. It was sneaky hard. The wind was tricky. Obviously those first couple of holes were straight into, so they played very different from what they played yesterday. Plus the greens were firmer today, as well, from not having that much rain.

It was tricky and you could see that on the scores today, but felt like we hung in there quite well.

Q. You said you're playing aggressively. Are you playing even more aggressively than you do normally here?

LUDVIG ABERG: I think my intention is to because I like to play that way. It doesn't necessarily mean making aggressive decisions, it's just aggressive executions to our spots. We're not trying to reinvent anything. But I like to keep myself being aggressive.

Q. You must be taking a liking to No. 14, I guess. Two eagles.

LUDVIG ABERG: Yeah. Hit a great drive today. Kind of went down there quite far compared to how it did yesterday. Hit a nice 5-iron on the green. Those putts you're just trying to get up there somewhere, but luckily it went in.

Q. Does that hole suit you?

LUDVIG ABERG: I don't know. All I'm trying to do is just hit as good a golf shots as I can, and I guess, yeah, a couple of 3s there is always going to be nice.

Q. Going back to college and junior days, have you always been this aggressive with how you've played the game of golf?

LUDVIG ABERG: I feel like -- yes, I think so. When I play my best, that's the way I play. I feel like in order to beat all these guys that are obviously such good golfers, you have to be aggressive and you have to take advantage of the chances, and you don't do that by not being aggressive, aggressive execution. I feel like we've been doing that quite well over the last few days, and hopefully we can do that again tomorrow, as well

Q. What's the biggest focus for you tomorrow trying to win the championship?

LUDVIG ABERG: Yeah, these are the situations we like to be in. We like to be close to the lead coming down the last couple of holes. If we can do that and keep up the aggressive part, I think we'll be fine.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
147639-1-1002 2024-08-24 22:05:00 GMT

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