BMW Championship

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Castle Rock, Colorado, USA

Castle Pines Golf Club

Taylor Pendrith

Quick Quotes

Q. You've made it to the TOUR Championship for the first time. Can you describe how stressful that was for you?

TAYLOR PENDRITH: Yeah, very stressful. I didn't have my best stuff today. I felt comfortable with a lot of shots that I had and just wasn't turning out how I envisioned it in my mind. So it was a grind right until the end. I got really lucky on 17 and the ball popped out of the creek and was able to roll that putt in.

I saw on 16, I think I was projected 28th, so I figured I needed a decent finish, and to make that felt awesome. I'm super, super thrilled to be going there.

Q. Did your goals change when you won this season?

TAYLOR PENDRITH: Yeah, beginning of the season I wasn't feeling great health-wise, so it was definitely not on my radar. But I played really solid the second half of the season and had a lot of really, really good finishes, and feel like my game is in a great spot.

Yeah, after I won it was definitely a goal of mine. I was hovering right around that 30 for the last couple months it feels like, and played decent last week and knew I needed to play decent this week, and I did. It's an awesome feeling, and can't wait to go.

Q. There's a lot of thoughts that probably don't come to mind when you're playing, but there's always stuff going around like getting to the TOUR Championship and making the Presidents Cup. How have you managed that in the last few weeks?

TAYLOR PENDRITH: Yeah, honestly, I've been pretty good mentally. I feel like I kept telling myself and my wife that this is the best year I've ever had in my career. If it goes my way, great. Obviously I want to be at East Lake. I want to be on the Presidents Cup badly. But I've had a great season, and if I didn't play great these last two weeks, I'd be okay with it.

It would sting a little bit for sure, but to come out here and do it and perform under the pressure, it feels incredible. Yeah, I can't wait to keep going.

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