BMW Championship

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Castle Rock, Colorado, USA

Castle Pines Golf Club

Alex Noren

Quick Quotes

Q. Can you kind of characterize the round today? It obviously didn't go the way you would like it to go.

ALEX NOREN: I mean, it was tough. It was tricky. I didn't hit the shots that I needed. I just needed to more just hit -- it's tricky when it's this firm. The greens are firm, the fairways are firm. Just need to get a little better.

Q. Coming down the stretch, did you know where you stood in the FedExCup standings and know what you needed?

ALEX NOREN: Yeah, probably knew, but just kind of -- I don't know, it's so tough with the club decisions, and then I played bad on 17, but then 18, I hit a decent drive but just a little too low and hit the bunker. It's tricky. Tricky.

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