Sentry Tournament of Champions

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Kapalua, Maui, Hawaii, USA

Plantation Course at Kapalua

Ryan Palmer

Quick Quotes

Q. Just your assessment of today.

RYAN PALMER: Disappointed, obviously. I ended up losing by two, two doubles out there today. So yeah, was it two doubles today or one? I even forgot.

No, the putter was just not there. It was very guidey. The last five holes, though, I kind of found it, got more aggressive with the stroke and I could see the ball rolling again. So I hung in there. I was patient, just didn't get down on myself and just tried to finish off a good week. You know, I never complain about finishing fourth in a PGA TOUR event, that's for sure.

Q. Was the putter the biggest difference from yesterday to today?

RYAN PALMER: Oh, for sure. I had a lot of decent chances on the front. It just wasn't my day. I'll have that day. I really believe that. It's just not this week. So I'm excited where it's at. I'm excited about playing next week at Sony Open where I've had success and I look forward to getting back at it out there.

Q. You mentioned obviously your success at Sony, not just the win, but also plenty of other really good finishes. How do you take the success you had this week over to a completely different golf course in Waialae and obviously it's a different style, flatter, maybe a little less wind, or whatever there?

RYAN PALMER: It's going to be tighter. Obviously the key is driving the ball next week. I've got to work on my irons a little bit. That's, my go-to shot's a little hold and it just wasn't there when I needed it at times.

But a lot of great stuff happened, obviously. I'll learn, I'll take a lot from today, a learning experience on my putter, just being more aggressive when I'm not feeling it and I feel guidey. So that was the only thing today that I'll look back on and have a lot of confidence heading over next week.

Q. The biggest key is driving the ball there, obviously, kind of just look at your success there sometimes and just kind of go, do you kind of get those good feelings when you come to a course like that and that can propel you a little bit more emotionally?

RYAN PALMER: Yeah, I'm excited about next week. I know where I want to play the ball on each hole. I played it so many times and with the success I've had, I'm excited about the way I'm playing, but also going to a course that I love to play and where I've had success. So just makes me that much more excited to play again next week and carry over what we did this week and never know.

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