The Sentry

Sunday, January 7, 2024

Kapalua, Maui, Hawaii, USA

Plantation Course at Kapalua

Jordan Spieth

Quick Quotes

Q. Great day. What are some of your thoughts how everything played out?

JORDAN SPIETH: I thought that 5 and 6 would really do me in. I thought it would be really hard from there. You just can't really make a mistake when you get good chances when you're behind and the scores are going to be the way they are. So, walking off 6 green I thought we got to try to birdie every single hole. In the back of my mind I knew it was going to be a really tough challenge. Just had to be totally mistake free and steal a couple extra, because you can't par those two holes today.

Q. Seemed when you made that run with all the birdies and even kind of going into 12 it just seemed like you were having a lot of fun. Were you still able to keep that mindset going, even though you had a couple bumps along the way early on?

JORDAN SPIETH: Through 11 green then I had made it back up. Birdied 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. Felt like I stole two back, at least two back on that stretch. I thought, walking off 11 green, okay, if I get four by 18 I've got a chance at this. I think I ended up getting maybe three. Then, yeah, I just misread the putt on 18. Really wish that I gave it more of a chance. If you told me 8-under at the beginning of the day, I would have thought Chris probably betters 6-under, but playing with the lead in the last group, maybe 8 was in a playoff, was kind of where my head was at. There was just some phenomenal golf played everywhere.

Q. Is it correct that you were in like four divots on the back and obviously plugged in the bunker on 16?

JORDAN SPIETH: Yeah, I was kind of in a double divot on 15. I was in a divot but Harry's ball was right being mine and I had to place it into his divot, so it was even deeper. Then I plugged it, and then I was in a divot on 17, yeah.

So, 16, I missed my line, otherwise it could have been, I should have had a pretty good look at birdie, I would have had less in than what I had for my third if I hit you my drive where I wanted to. The others were certainly tough breaks because they were balls that hit in the fairway and funneled into it. Out here balls funnel into the same spots a lot, it's not uncommon to be in divots. It was kind of stunk that it was three holes in a row, but the plug is what cost me a full shot. I still played the others just fine.

Q. Yesterday you mentioned when we talked about Akshay that great thing about being 21 is you have to worry about the golf. Where you are in life, how do you manage the constraints that come with family, obviously you have a leadership position with the TOUR now, to also still trying to be the best player you can be?

JORDAN SPIETH: It's been a tough balance. I certainly didn't put anywhere near the time that I had wanted to prior to this event, so in that sense as far as, call it a month ago, I'm a bit surprised at where I'm at right now with my game, which is in a good way. Having said that, the beginning of this week was, I was really optimistic off of the way that I was playing, just through practice and some of the work I was doing on the greens. I thought that I started on Thursday morning thinking that I do have a chance at winning this golf tournament. I have not been putting in the time that I would like to, and I should be able to here over the next few weeks before it starts to get heavy. It was kind of a one-off tournament, I now have a little break and I'm really glad to feel like I got a little house money as I go into the heavier part of the season, and feel like I'm trending in the right direction. There's nothing but optimism about what the season can bring at this point, regardless of what I'm trying to do off the course.

Q. Are you off until Pebble?

JORDAN SPIETH: That's the plan, yeah.

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