Sony Open in Hawaii

Thursday, January 11, 2024

Honolulu, Hawaii, USA

Waialae Country Club

Austin Eckroat

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, Austin, good playing to start the week. 65 without a bogey. How would you assess what was clicking?

AUSTIN ECKROAT: Everything felt pretty good. Drove it pretty well and hit the irons pretty well. Stress-free golf throughout the day.

Ha a ton of birdie looks and really a good way to start year: simple golf.

Q. What's it like to be back, fresh start to the season with the reworked calendar year?

AUSTIN ECKROAT: Yeah, it's fun, especially being my second year coming back to a familiar place and just fun. I was getting itchy at home, ready to play again, so enjoying my time.

Q. Anything you worked on in your game specifically in the off-season, or more general maintenance?

AUSTIN ECKROAT: General maintenance for the most part. Just looking at stats the year last year, see where I need to improve. That was around the greens and putting.

I feel like I put in good work this off-season and could improve.

Q. Do anything fun?

AUSTIN ECKROAT: No, I had fun this off-season, yeah. Enjoyed time for Christmas and for the most part stayed at home. Went out to Arizona the last week to get geared up for this week. Played a lot of golf but still enjoyed my time for sure.

Q. What would you say is the big difference in your game from a year ago?

AUSTIN ECKROAT: You know, I don't know. The main bones of it is about the same. Areas I've been good are still kind of my strong suits. The comfort level, being out here a little longer.

Coming back to a familiar place, like I was saying, the simple things and things you don't really think about.

Q. Beginning of the year, are you much of a goal setter?

AUSTIN ECKROAT: Yeah, I am. Stone and I, my caddie, we set a couple goals. Kind of fun to look back at the end of the year -- we did it last year -- and assess and stuff.

Q. How did do you last year on your goals?

AUSTIN ECKROAT: Okay. Left a few out there for sure.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
140312-1-1041 2024-01-11 22:19:00 GMT

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