The American Express

Friday, January 22, 2021

La Quinta, California, USA

La Quinta Country Club

Abraham Ancer

Quick Quotes

Q. Solid round of golf. Seven birdies no bogeys. That was a sweet second shot you hit on the last to five feet. Your thoughts on how well you played today?

ABRAHAM ANCER: Yeah, it was fun, I stroked it well, the ball really well off the tee and from the fairway. It could have been a really, really good round, but I'm happy, very happy with my score. I think if I keep doing the same and if the putter gets really hot it could be a special week.

So hopefully, that's what is up to me, but I got to go hit a couple putts here in a couple minutes.

Q. You have a nice fall, fourth at the Shriners Hospital in Las Vegas, you put yourself in pretty good position in the FedExCup standings as we go into 2021. Give us an idea of your confidence level and your game and how well you're playing?

ABRAHAM ANCER: Thank you. Well I feel like I've been playing pretty solid. The last year and a half has been good, gave me a lot of confidence, played good at some big events which it's always nice. I think I'm just getting better every week or at least that's what I try to do and hopefully we can get better this week.

But, yeah, it's been a lot of fun and I really enjoy what I do, so pretty lucky.

Q. Some unfinished business, too. You played well here last year, just not quite well enough to win the golf tournament. What do you take out of what you had to do last year to finish it off this year?

ABRAHAM ANCER: Well last year, last round I played really, really well, shot 9-under. My buddy Landry clipped me there on the last two, which, it was cool, he made some awesome putts and great shots.

But I know what to do here, you just got to make birdies. Unless the wind picks up and if it gets a little colder, I mean the Stadium is a really good challenge. So just got to keep my blinders on and keep plugging along and make some birdies.

Q. What did you think of your round out there today?

ABRAHAM ANCER: I liked it. It was solid. I hit it really good off the tee and my irons were working today. I had a lot of look, it could have been a really special round, but I'm very happy. I got to stay patient and more putts will fall, hopefully this weekend.

Q. What is it about coming out here to this particular venue and playing here that has instilled so much confidence in your game these last two years?

ABRAHAM ANCER: I don't know, I like it, I like it here, I like the golf courses, this is the first finals of Q-School that I ever played on these golf course, so I feel like I know how to play these courses and it's just fun. The weather's usually really nice, it's a good place to come and hang out, I have some friends here that I stay with, which also makes it feel like home away from home, which is kind of nice.

Q. A little different this year without playing La Quinta, you have the two more left on the Stadium Course, after playing it yesterday what are your feelings about getting two more on there this weekend?

ABRAHAM ANCER: I like it. It's a golf course that I love. You have to hit it good off the tee and some really good second shots into those greens. I have good rounds under my belt out there. Last year I hit, I played really well my last round, so I'm just going to be kind of thinking about that and knowing that I played good out there before and hopefully do it again this weekend.

Q. Really since the -- you made the Presidents Cup team in 2019. What has been the evolution of your game to get it to basically the point where you're ready to win?

ABRAHAM ANCER: Yeah, I mean that was the tournament that -- and I always said how it's helped me tremendously, not in like technique or ball striking or anything like that, but just feeling really comfortable in situations where you have a lot of pressure and that's a tournament that every single shot you know that your team is counting on you, your country, everybody's watching.

So all those feelings really help you grow into a more mature golfer and I feel like I've been doing that a little bit more after that tournament.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
104082-1-1044 2021-01-22 23:30:00 GMT

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