The American Express

Thursday, January 19, 2023

La Quinta, California, USA

PGA WEST Pete Dye Stadium Course

Davis Thompson

Quick Quotes

Q. How impressed were you with your round, first time going around this place?

DAVIS THOMPSON: Yeah, I was able to come out here early before I went to Hawaii and played out here on the Nicklaus Course. So I was a little familiar with it.

But, yeah, just got off to a hot start and just kind of coasted on my way in. But, yeah, it's always good to see some putts go in early and give you confidence to just keep it rolling.

Q. Let's talk about that start. 6-under through 6. The back-to-back eagles on 5 and 6. What got you started so quickly?

DAVIS THOMPSON: Yeah, I don't know. I feel like I had a good warm-up. I had good numbers on both those holes. I actually missed the green on 6 and chipped in. I put two good swings on it and had a really nice chip and a really good putt.

Q. Everybody likes to say take it one shot at a time. But when you make the turn 8-under through 9 do you start thinking ahead a little bit?

DAVIS THOMPSON: Yeah, that was kind of like my biggest challenge today was staying present minded and trying to put one foot in front of the other. Your mind definitely starts to wander a little bit. But I played enough rounds to where I try to teach myself over and over you can't get ahead of yourself.

Q. One of the shots that I saw out there that I thought kept your round going was your up-and-down on 12. If you could talk us through that short-sided bunker shot.

DAVIS THOMPSON: Yeah, obviously wasn't trying to short side myself. I just pulled it. The wind kind of took it over there. Yeah, I knew any shot inside 10 feet was going to be good. I hit it by the hole, so I got a good read while the ball was rolling past the hole. I just put a good stroke on it and it was nice to see the ball go in with some authority.

Q. The stats say that you're a rookie this year, we all know that. You're still coming out and getting used to seeing some of these places for the first time. But with your results so far this season do you still feel like a rookie?

DAVIS THOMPSON: Yes and no. Like obviously seeing all these courses for the first time. But I've played in PGA TOUR events before right out of college and some as an amateur.

Yeah, definitely still feel like a rookie. I'm still trying to learn where everything is at every course. I never played the majority of these, so just trying to learn and try to figure out a good game plan for each week.

Q. You mentioned having seen the Nicklaus Course and going over there tomorrow. What are you most looking forward to there?

DAVIS THOMPSON: Just trying to get a good solid warm-up. Kind of the same thing as today. Try to give myself some good looks right out of the gate and keep it rolling.

Q. Are there any veterans that you picked their brain on how to prep for a course or a routine or anything along those lines?

DAVIS THOMPSON: Yeah, I've kind of relied on my caddie a little bit. He's caddied out here before. All the Georgia guys have been great to me. All coming from the same school and kind of being in a fraternity. A lot of those guys have really helped me out.

I think coming out here before going to Hawaii also helped out. So I wasn't totally caught off guard.

Q. What's it like kind of game planning for a course when you have three to prepare? Is it like a lighter version of game planning or how does that work? Coming here before Hawaii probably helped a little bit with that.

DAVIS THOMPSON: Yeah, it's definitely different. You kind of have to play practice rounds pretty fast and kind of figure out what you want to do during the week. But this is my first tournament where I ever had to prep for three courses.

Yeah, it's definitely different. But at the same time kind of goes both ways. You don't put as much stress on yourself kind of preparing for every course because you're trying to see every hole. But also you got to know what you're doing. It's definitely different.

Q. In the National Championship game, congratulations. What was the scene of watching that? Where were you watching that game?

DAVIS THOMPSON: Yeah, I was actually in Hawaii. I was playing in the Monday pro-am. So I watched the first quarter on my phone. We were still playing. Then I watched the rest of the game in my hotel room. But, yeah, we jumped on 'em pretty early.

Q. Is it kind of, just knowing the back-to-back titles, does it, like, as a sports fan how is that like? Obviously it's very cool. Is it kind of just knowing that you guys are now on the mountain top, just what's that like?

DAVIS THOMPSON: Yeah, it's cool. Something that I think is really cool is like also learning from those guys. Because I mean it's hard to maintain success and I think Kirby does a great job conveying that message to his players. That's something that in any sport you can learn from.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
128599-1-1044 2023-01-19 23:29:00 GMT

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