The American Express

Friday, January 20, 2023

La Quinta, California, USA

PGA WEST Pete Dye Stadium Course

Xander Schauffele

Quick Quotes

Q. Off to a good shot good start. 65, 68. 11-under heading into the weekend. Just a few comments on how you're feeling.

XANDER SCHAUFFELE: Yeah, feel fine. Which is a good thing. Saw 18-under is the lead so going to have to make up some ground.

Q. How is the back feeling? Obviously the scores are indicative that you're feeling okay.

XANDER SCHAUFFELE: Yeah, actually felt better today than yesterday. So it's kind of funny how golf works. I scored much better yesterday and wasn't able to score as good today. But I'm happy that my back's feeling better as I'm playing more golf. Usually it goes the other way.

Q. Anything you are working on or going to do differently or are you in a comfort zone where you feel like you're where you want to be?

XANDER SCHAUFFELE: Yeah, I think I'm where I want to be. Just need to touch up on a few things. I haven't practiced as much due to the little incident there. Happy with where I'm at and just need to clean up a few things.

Q. Why do you think you didn't score as well today?

XANDER SCHAUFFELE: No rhyme or reason. Just didn't make some putts. Last hole is a great example. I hit a really good iron in there to, I don't know, eight feet maybe and hit the putt I thought was pretty good and it didn't go in. So that's kind of how golf goes sometimes.

Q. What are some of the differences between La Quinta where you played yesterday and then Nicklaus today?

XANDER SCHAUFFELE: Yeah, this course is a little bit more worn in. A lot more ball marks on the greens. A little bumpier, I would say. La Quinta is pretty pure or almost as pure as it gets for us. Tough to beat that.

Q. What are you looking forward to as far as tomorrow is concerned?

XANDER SCHAUFFELE: Yeah, just put myself in position. We're not even halfway through the race here. So I'm in an okay spot, I would say. Just need to put my best foot forward tomorrow and put myself in a good spot.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
128648-1-1044 2023-01-20 22:16:00 GMT

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