The American Express

Saturday, January 21, 2023

La Quinta, California, USA

PGA WEST Pete Dye Stadium Course

Davis Thompson

Quick Quotes

Q. Another good one today. How would you assess how things were going out there today?

DAVIS THOMPSON: They were good. I felt like I stayed patient all day and made some putts. Got off to a great start, which always helps. Up-and-downs on 5 and 6 were huge for me just keeping the momentum going.

I was really proud with how I stayed patient. Didn't really force anything. Made a bad bogey on 14, but came back and birdied 16. So it was a good way to finish.

Q. This is kind of not like a typical tournament where the field doesn't really standardize until everyone plays all the courses. So does it not feel like a Saturday normally would?

DAVIS THOMPSON: It kind of felt like a Friday, honestly. But, yeah, it is a little different. I guess we'll do the same thing in two weeks out at Pebble. But yeah, it's definitely different. I just try to have an aggressive mindset and try to go hit some good shots.

Q. What does it mean as a rookie to put yourself in this position to be in the final group with Jon Rahm and kind of go out and put on a show tomorrow?

DAVIS THOMPSON: Yeah, it's great. I feel like I don't have anything to lose in my rookie year. Just kind of freewheel it.

But I'm excited to play with Jon. He's obviously a top-5 player in the world. He's very good. But I'm excited about the challenge and just looking forward to tomorrow.

Q. What do you kind of -- have you crossed paths with him at all along the way?

DAVIS THOMPSON: I don't think so. I've only played in probably three or four events that he's played in. Like I said, he's obviously a really good player.

Q. What do you kind of -- are there any tournaments that he's, any memories of watching him? Have you watched him win a tournament at all, either on TV or just kind of following along? And what impresses you about his game?

DAVIS THOMPSON: Yeah, I mean, I remember when he came out of college and he was just playing really well right out of the gate. I thought that was very impressive to do that at such a young age.

Then obviously watched him win the U.S. Open. I guess that was in 2021. Those two putts he made on 17 and 18 were pretty special. I know he was trying to get that first major.

Q. Is there any kind of -- what type of memories can you draw on tomorrow of past tournaments and past situations kind of similar to this as you kind of think about it tonight and get ready to roll tomorrow?

DAVIS THOMPSON: Yeah, I've been in this position before. It's just not, it was just on the Korn Ferry Tour last year and it was in amateur golf and in junior golf. But now it's on one of the biggest stages. So it's exciting to kind of test my nerves and test my ability and I'm looking forward to it.

Q. You mentioned kind of nothing to lose. Do you feel like an underdog in any way tomorrow?

DAVIS THOMPSON: I mean, for sure. I'm playing against Jon Rahm. I feel like everybody would pick me as the underdog. But, yeah, I mean, I kind of relish that label, I guess. I just try to go out and do my own thing and try and not to let anything bother me. But yeah, like I said, I just get some rest tonight and we'll get back to it tomorrow.

Q. What do you think your competitive edge has been this week in particular?

DAVIS THOMPSON: Where does it come from?

Q. Like, just this week, what kind of that advantage has been for you? Is there something that's either motivated you this week or a part of your game or some extra energy you've had that's been able to kind of put you in this spot?

DAVIS THOMPSON: I don't really know. I was kind of worried about my prep for this tournament. Just because it's three courses. But obviously I've done really well with it.

As far as competitive edge, I mean, the goal's to try to win every golf tournament. You're in these positions a few times so you try to take advantage of 'em. But you can't let your emotions get the best of you.

Q. Your overall competitive edge and just getting to this level, where do you think that comes from?

DAVIS THOMPSON: I think just growing up playing multiple sports. My mom and dad are very competitive as well as my sister. Yeah, I mean, just playing multiple sports, playing basketball and football growing up. You're always trying to improve and trying to get better. You can't go too far with it and let your emotions get the best of you.

Q. Was this first time playing the back nine at Stadium?

DAVIS THOMPSON: I played 10, 11, 12, 13. Didn't play 14 or 15 or 16. I hit a tee shot on 17 and a tee shot on 18. And that's it.

Q. So, comforting now heading into tomorrow's round that you've seen and played those holes?

DAVIS THOMPSON: Yeah, yeah, for sure. Definitely playing 14 through 18 and playing those even par that kind of gives me some confidence for tomorrow.

Q. There was a famous quote or a kind of cool quote from a few years ago Keith Mitchell said when you were still in college, he described you as acting like a TOUR pro as a 21 year old living in Athens. Which is hard to do. What was your reaction to that and do you agree with that or what's your take on that?

DAVIS THOMPSON: Yeah, I mean, I guess I kind of sacrificed some things in college. I wasn't the most social guy. I really just focused on my school work and my golf. Just got better and better every year. Really tried to emulate what those guys do out here on TOUR.

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