The American Express

Sunday, January 22, 2023

La Quinta, California, USA

PGA WEST Pete Dye Stadium Course

Chris Kirk

Quick Quotes

Q. Texted you last week in Hawaii congratulating you on a good finish and here I get to do it in person. You're obviously playing some great golf. Can you just tell us about how you're feeling and what it's doing for your confidence?

CHRIS KIRK: My swing has felt really, really great the last few weeks. I've made a good many putts too. Just played some really solid steady golf.

Today was a day where I just, on the front nine, was just hitting it close and driving it great. The back nine, I mean, I'm really disappointed right now that I didn't make more birdies on the back. But I made so many great swings and I hit so many great putts, especially right there at the end and it just didn't quite go my way well enough.

I'm really happy with the way I played today, the way I felt mentally and the way I felt physically. So just going to keep plugging away.

Q. Are you doing anything different? Have you made any changes? Anything that you feel like is making these stronger results more continuous?

CHRIS KIRK: A few things. I signed back with Callaway golf this year. Played some of my best years of golf, got in the top 20 in the world as a Callaway golf staffer. So I'm really, very excited to be back with them. Very thankful that they wanted me back.

Also have hired a new trainer at home, Jake Crane. Actually he's a baseball guy, baseball background, played baseball at UGA. He's just really done great job with keeping me motivated, keeping me working hard in the gym. I'll be taking a redeye home tonight and I'll be back in there with him tomorrow.

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128732-1-1044 2023-01-22 23:39:00 GMT

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