The American Express

Sunday, January 22, 2023

La Quinta, California, USA

PGA WEST Pete Dye Stadium Course

Davis Thompson

Quick Quotes

Q. Awesome week. How would you assess things?

DAVIS THOMPSON: I had a great week. Competing against the best in the world is my dream and I did that today and proved that I can hang with 'em. It was a lot of fun.

A lot of nerves and I hit a lot of quality golf shots under pressure, which was really cool.

Q. Where did the emotions that you're showing right now, where are those coming from with this?

DAVIS THOMPSON: It's just the hard work you put in. You come up a shot short and it's just tough. But you got to just assess what you did this week and flush it and move on to next week.

Q. What do you think the difference was today?

DAVIS THOMPSON: Honestly, I don't know. I had a few tee shots off line. I mean, didn't really give myself a chance to go for it on 5 and 16 due to poor tee shots. As well as I played the par-5s all week I kind of didn't really do that well today.

Yeah, I mean, Jon making par on 5, which I thought he was going to make birdie, but he made par on 5 and birdie on 16. That was two shots. I played those holes 1-over. So that was kind of a two-shot swing there.

Q. The putt on 17. What did you see from your line and what was the considerations as far as leaving the stick in?

DAVIS THOMPSON: Yeah, I mean, I usually always leave the stick in from a long distance. I feel like it helps me with my speed. I'll probably play the "what if" game in my head for a long time, unfortunately.

I had a great read. I probably hit it too firm. If it had great speed it would have just hit the flag and dropped. But we'll never know. I'm proud of myself for this week.

Q. You mentioned the hard work and your pride. What's it say about your game right now that you were able to go toe for toe with probably the hottest player in the world right now?

DAVIS THOMPSON: Yeah, just staying in the moment, trusting my prep, trusting myself and believing in myself. If I came out here today and had the mindset of just trying to compete with Jon, it wasn't going to work out. So I just tried to believe in myself as best as I could and just execute.

Q. Your third shot at 18, the announcers on TV said your decision to hit that shot that you did said a heck of a lot about you as a player, as a confident player. Can you just talk us through your mindset on the decision to hit the shot that you did, which turned out incredible.

DAVIS THOMPSON: Yeah, I went through about every option in my head. I could have hit just a low bump and run. But that hill was so steep. I laid my 60 down and I knew I had enough, I had a good enough lie to get it up quick. Just kind of goes back to if you want to make it, you chip it. If you want to hit it up close, you putt it. So I was obviously trying to make it. Figured might as well.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
128733-1-1044 2023-01-23 00:18:00 GMT

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