The American Express

Thursday, January 18, 2024

La Quinta, California, USA

PGA WEST Pete Dye Stadium Course

Alex Noren

Quick Quotes

Q. 10-under 62 today, well done. Definitely some ups and downs there. Just what were your initial assessments of the round today?

ALEX NOREN: Yeah, I don't think I've been 7-under after 7 and then I hit it out of bounds on the 8th hole, or my 8th hole. Then, you know, played a little worse in the middle, couldn't really get the ball the right distance into the greens. Then came down with five birdies on the last, I don't know, six. So I'm super happy. Just fun to be here. I like this tournament. This course is beautiful. We had a good group today. We had fun.

Q. What did it take after the double on 17 that wrapped up your back nine that you started on the back and wrap that up there, what did it take to be able to maintain positivity and get some momentum going late?

ALEX NOREN: Yeah, it helped being 7-under, you know, and then making a double to go to 5, which is not usually the case. Being 5-under, you just have to look at it like a little bit longer perspective. If somebody said you were 5-under after 8, I would have taken it. Just try to stay positive. There's some tricky shots and tricky holes out here and, of course, there's a lot of birdies if you play well, but I know I had two par-5s coming up, so that helped too.

Q. Birdieing the par-4 to finish the day must not hurt either. Take us through that great shot, great second shot.

ALEX NOREN: It helps. The previous hole we had about six, seven yards longer than on 9, so that helped, like, just knowing how far the ball goes. I hit it pretty hard on 8 to get it, and now I could dial it back a little bit. Stuff like that helps when you can, the caddie records all the shots, and you can feed off of that.

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140580-1-1044 2024-01-18 23:39:00 GMT

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