The American Express

Thursday, January 18, 2024

La Quinta, California, USA

PGA WEST Pete Dye Stadium Course

Chan Kim

Quick Quotes - 2

Q. (No Microphone.)

CHAN KIM: We barely had any wind all day. Could have used some downwind on some par-5s. But besides that, yeah, you couldn't have asked for a better day to be out there playing golf.

Q. Now you go to the tournament or the Dye Course, right? Do you like the rotation you have?

CHAN KIM: Yeah, I do. Kind of get the tougher courses out of the way, and then I play La Quinta last. I feel like that's the most scorable -- hopefully that doesn't come back and bite me -- but that's just how I see it. So, yeah, to play the tougher two first and then go to La Quinta, yeah, I think I had a great rotation.

Q. Tell our audio about your journey to the PGA TOUR. You played Arizona State, traveled all over the world, very successful in Japan with eight wins. Then there's always that inkling to get back to the PGA TOUR, right?

CHAN KIM: Yeah, you know, if it was a perfect world, I would have gone through Q-School the first time, and I wouldn't have to travel all over the world. But the experiences I gained, and the memories as well of just playing well out there and kind of working my way up, I think it's helped me get to this position and, yeah, I hope to take advantage of that and play well this season.

Q. You're not a typical rookie. You're 33 years old, you've been around. You've experienced winning, but, still, you are a rookie, right?

CHAN KIM: I would love to think so, yeah. Like you said, I know I'm 33 and it's my first time getting my PGA TOUR card and being a member, so, yeah, it's very exciting, some of these rookies are hitting it so far, because they're so much younger, but I just feel like my strength's always been a lot of fairways, a lot of greens and just try and make a putt. Yeah, I'm just looking forward to the rest of the season.

Q. How many languages can you speak?

CHAN KIM: Two. Korean and English.

Q. I thought maybe you had Japanese.

CHAN KIM: Yeah, you know, you figure, me being out there for eight years, I would learn a little bit, but, yeah, I had a manager out there who could translate to English, so, yeah, it worked out.

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